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been feeling ok but didn't sleep well last night. today my anxiety is through the roof. booked holiday yesterday with a friend and worrying what ifs. if its not that its something else. need reassuring that this is hormones.Great yesterday and a total wreck today lol.
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samantha42264 alison91416
Hi Allison.
It is hormones, for 2 weeks I was a wreck, but today I woke up and am perfectly fine. It's just hard because it's like you never know when that is going to happen so it makes planning things a challenge.
alison91416 samantha42264
thanks Samantha. just need to go with it today i think. it is always worse after a bad nights sleep though
Guest alison91416
totally normal. I am not as reliable as I used to be and I am not a planner anymore. I find getting anywhere is half the battle. Once you get there, you will be ok. Enjoy your holiday!
djRice alison91416
I went on a whim and started taking CBD Oil. So far it has helped calm me down. Enjoy your vacation.
Sassyr12a alison91416
Hi Alison
Im Very similar, when I feel good I make plans and I'm excited about things, and then the nerves creep in and I start to worry about the plans I've made. All part of the anxiety I think, but just like you said, go with it and it'll come out fine don't worry xx
thank you Sassy. we just need to let go and enjoy life lol
kelly55079 alison91416
Yes... I know this very well. I'll have good days then the next day I'm exhausted like this morning. I have no idea except anxiety/hormones. I'm leaving on a trip in a few days and I'm getting a bit worried that I will be tired for the days we are there. I hope this won't be the case as maybe a new place is what I need.
hope you enjoy your break Kelly. you deserve it!
claire38123 alison91416
i have been moaning about doing nothing for weeks my hubby planed a day out on sat to go to my fav place Matlock bath (uk) id had my usual bad night awake at 3am -6am full of hot flushes and anxiety and felt awful made it out as not to upset him and had a brill day, glass of wine in a nice pub, nice long walk , browsed in a few shops and fish and chips for lunch felt a little anxious on way home on the motorway but all in all had a lovely day.. i think with anxiety its mind over matter and even when you are feeling terrible or think something terrible is going to happen if you push yourself you do find the feelings go while your busy or enjoying yourself so enjoy iv been like this since the start of this year and iv even been on the sick for 8 wks for what the DRs says is peri menopausal anxiety which i had no clue about until i thought i was having a heart attack in the middle of the night and it turned out to be all hormonal.... so you enjoy yourself and have fun , sunshine always helps with anxiety also xx
Sassyr12a claire38123
I used to be worse to be honest. I'd always go on a trip/day out etc and pretend I was okay but on the inside I felt like I was under seige. It was awful. Now I think I'm better at accepting that it will be fine, but I still get my knickers in a twist when I plan ahead. Like djrice, I started cbd about a month ago, I'm terrified of anything new too! Once my hubby explained that I'm not going to start tie dying my clothes or living in a camper (because they've removed the high) I thought I'd give it a go (no offence intended to anyone who enjoys tie dying or living in a camper). I started with the hemp tea and then tried 1 drop under my tongue. Apart from the fear of the unknown, it was really good! Best bit is, just knowing it works has made the anxiety so much better and I just take it occasionally. It's reassuring to me to have something to fall back on, if I can't pull myself out of it. I would definitely recommend xxx
kelly55079 claire38123
Yes.. usually that's me when there's a 'party' to attend or even over the christmas holiday-- I'll wake up several times with the night before.-- Maybe I should look into Zanax for this reason But that is the best thing to do is to push thru it tired or not.
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
That's awesome that the oil works like that. Maybe I will try. I wonder if hemp seeds do the same.. Last year I was taking spirulina for my hair and under eye circles as I heard it helps with that. But I did find myself relaxed some-- it was odd. Anyways, I ran out and never ordered anymore . Just bought some and will try again hoping that it makes a difference. Some say it does help and others can't tell. This anxiety thing makes me so unsure of so much in my life-- I don't like the feeling at all.
Sassyr12a kelly55079
I know Kelly, it undermines your confidence too and it's really hard to break it. I looked at spirulina recently but decided to avoid it as I have thyroid issues and apparently it can mess with your balance because it contains iodine. My main aim is to try to avoid taking my 2mg diazepan and the oil seems to be helping with that. Worth looking at it before the zanax I guess but we don't have that on the UK really. At least we have these things in common eh?! 😊 Xx
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
Yes.. your right, my confidence is out the window.Thanks for the reply..
Sassyr12a kelly55079
It's how anxiety works unfortunately. I find that mindful meditation and exercise helps a lot. Walking, cycling and running can be good to reset your brain xx