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does nearing the end cause bad anxiety? every morning lately its like ive stuck my finger in an electric socket and adrenaline just pulsating through whole body is reacting to this its hard to deal with
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sara97862 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I don't know if everyone experiences it, but my sister did. She is post meno now, and much better... still a few days here and there but not relentless like it was. She calls it the Morning Doom.
I am close to meno, and I do go through spells of the same.. waking in a panic every day... sometimes with hot flashes/sweats and heart pounding, but sometimes just panic for no reason.
Is it worse for you when other stress is high? I know when a lot is going on, I suffer worse with this.
You are not alone-- hang in there.
pamela2016 sara97862
thanks for replying its horrible it never really leaves lately but mornings is so bad, im in the process of getting an appointment with a psychiatrist as i got to get on something for this anxiety. these symptoms is so bad and the anxiety is off the charts
des90964 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I feel exactly as you are describing, right now. It started hitting me recently in some evenings, then it would go away. But last night it came on very strong and I'm still dealing with it now, I think it's a delayed reaction to several stressors I had this week . I'm fine if I'm moving but as soon as I'm still, I look for the feeling which I think triggers that heavy heart beating, adrenaline rushy feeling. I hate it, I know what you mean when you describe it as feeling as if you stuck your finger in an electric socket. I did some guided yoga nidra earlier - if you're not familiar it's not the usual type of yoga but one where you lie on your back and listen as you're taken through a 'tour' of all your body parts. That might not sound like anything but is extremely relaxing for the mind and body, I found one that I love on You Tube. It did work but after I went looking for the symptoms again to reassure myself they weren't there and that always backfires. I also take good magnesium and passiflora, and the one with valerian and hops. They work. Funny, since writing this my symptoms dropped significantly. I hope you're able to get some relief.
nancys21 pamela2016
Was that way for me. Now over 2 years post, and still have anxiety. It is better. My heart rate is constantly high.
klm1213 nancys21
My heartrate is constantly high too!! Very annoying
jane66356 nancys21
are you referring to your resting heart rate? And when you say high, around how many bpm?Just curious.
klm1213 jane66356
Yes, I can just be sitting here working or watching TV and feel it go up out of nowhere.
jaynie08827 pamela2016
omg r u for real?? that happens to me every night i thought i had a tumor. i think its all this. hang in there ur ok
pamela2016 jaynie08827
its horrible, and at night its happened twice when i doze off im jolted awake by adrenaline or something. all this and these other horrible symptoms its wearing me out so bad. since may its been hard but since oct omg its off the charts with severe constant crap now this anxiety i cant sit still or sleep im being plagued
jaynie08827 pamela2016
i know. im not even human anymore this crap is all the time but at least now that o see others are going through this hell i know i can fight it. irs hell i sometimes feel like im just going through the motions to live every day its hell. im here going through it to too just talk to me hugs
jaynie08827 pamela2016
omg r u for real?? that happens to me every night i thought i had a tumor. i think its all this. hang in there ur ok
amy341731 jaynie08827
omg I am the same! Convinced I am dying..wake up a hot sweaty mess and so upset and anxious...definitely way worse now that the holidays are here...i just try to get through each glad I am not alone!!!
pinkcatfairy pamela2016
Dear Pamela
Im four years post meno and I suffered anxiety for a while but thankfully it did pass but it took a while but things did get better x