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i started to have dizziness wile driving a few times i went to ENT WHO checked me out and said it was meniers but i dont think it is that as i dont have the spinning or sickness feeling .. so my anxiety started from this and now i feel jelly leged and a bit shaky in my hands but im not sure if this is anxiety as all i do is worry thats it somethink serious up with me so i sit tenced up alot that when i get up to walk i feel jelly leggs ..
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jan34534 dawn81303
did the doctor do a test for meniers? or just listen to your symptoms?
the dizziness could have been from generalized anxiety as well as the jelly legs.along time ago I had the same thing happened to me when driving but it was just for a split second. I don’t have meiners. but I do have anxiety.
you can always get another opinion. it doesn’t sound like anything serious. It sounds a lot like the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Think about what is causing this in your life. Family? Friends? Work? School? Other relationships?
try to speak with a counselor about all of this. You may just need help with managing anxiety. Feel better soon