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I'm having really bad anxiety/panic attacks. Normally they pass but lately they last longer. I was wondering, does anyone experience panic attack because of intrusive thoughts? This is new for me. It like the panic is triggered by the idea that I can't stop the thought/s. If anyone has ever experienced anything like this, it might help me to know.
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jan34534 aoife50854
yes, panic attacks can be triggered by negative intrusive thoughts. when you have those thoughts, it’s basically telling your brain that something is wrong so the brain reacts and gets prepared for Battle so to speak. Adrenaline is released which causes all sorts of symptoms during panic. none of this is harmful but I know how scary it feels and how weird.
The key is to gain some control over the negative thoughts. And it can be done. when you focus on the present moment and not on the past or the future, you are living in the moment which is the only thing that truly exists.
So for example if you are focusing on what you see or hear or smell in the moment and then you get a negative thought. Just calmly focus your attention back on the present moment and let the thought drift off. The main thing is do not follow the negative thought.
the more you practice this, the more your brain will learn to automatically ignore the negative thoughts.
if you don’t know how to start this, go on YouTube and there are hundreds of short meditations for being in the present moment. just search for present moment meditation for anxiety. or present moment meditation for negative thoughts. it’s a great exercise for you and your brain so that the unwanted thoughts lose strength.
i do this several times a day and also when laying down to sleep. hope this helps and take care!
gale_a84426 jan34534
Hi Jan........hope you see this. i am in a bad state. Never felt so lousy. And its everyday. Really convinced something serious is going on. Hope to hear from you. ❤️
mai71267 gale_a84426
Hi gale.. i feel this everyday.. like something serious is going on or about to happen.. and then i sleep, i felt ok. and i woke up , the same horrible feeling again..
hope you are feeling better . hugs x