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Hi i am new to this site i am a 63 year old female and have been suffering from anxiety for 3 months now it just suddenly came on my doctor says it's noise Anxiety i was wondering if anyone else has experienced this i also ruminate which is really hard to get out of and is making my life awful i feel really sad all the time
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lorraine90511 Ladymay
hi you are not alone, i also started with anxiety almost 3 months ago after getting covid, was working full time life was great then bam anxiety and now im off sick and anazlysing my every symtom and even when im not anxious im looking for it, how are you thid evening? how does the noise anxiety present itself? was there a trigger?
Ladymay lorraine90511
Hi thank you for the reply the trigger for my noise anxiety was a night noise that had started last year it comes from a new sewage works that has opened now it is every night i can't sleep with my window open and then due to covid people being at home we have more cars passing food vans other delivery vans speeding past the house which once was a quiet road it slowly built up over the summer and eventually lead to high anxiety which i cannot get over everyday for 3 months i have been on high alert and cannot get out of it so same time as you i have palpitations, no appetite, feel sad and tired and ruminate wishing i lived back in the quiet street i moved from and wishing i had stayed i'm sorry your suffering too how are you today?
lorraine90511 Ladymay
hello how are you doing? ive been awful this morning anxiety through the roof very shakey and couldnt focus so went back to bed after school run. have you found anything that helps you at the moment? headphones? playing music? im here if you need to talk xx
Ladymay lorraine90511
Hi Lorraine90511 thank you so much for being there if i want to talk i really appreciate it iv'e tried headphones but can't use them because my husband isn't well and so i need to listen out for him i do play music one of the main things that helps is keeping busy and talking to someone like you who knows what i'm going through i wouldn't wish this on anyone i don't want to socialise and my grown up kids and their families have become distance i don't think they know how to cope with me i think covid has had a lot to do with it my doctor said more people have been coming to her with Anxiety this year more than last i hope your okay at the moment? xx
lorraine90511 Ladymay
hello youre very welcome, i wouldnt wish this on anyone its horrendous isnt it, do you take any tablets? im a bit better than i was this morning thank you, just about to get some food from asda and cant even think what to make for tea my head is that scrambled. do things get better in the evening for you at all? xx
barbara66703 Ladymay
is what you mean by noise anxiety a noise is a trigger for heart beats. yes every time the phone rings its a trigger for me my heart jumps. i know the reason but cannot control the cause. i try to except it is what it is and slowly take deep breaths as it slowly is starting to release that feeling.
Ladymay barbara66703
Hi yes the noise is a trigger that's why i am anxious all day every day it was so peaceful living here but it has got noisier outside more cars, vans whizzing past the front window i can't seem to get any peace i can feel myself relax when i am away from the area i live in