Anxiety about covid vaccine

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Health Anxiety is at it again! I am having fears of getting the vaccine for a multitude of reasons. It not being FDA approved, the few reports of blood clots, long term side effects, increase in anxiety, and the idea of being sick post shot. I am also terrified of the new variant (I had covid in Nov. 2020- but it was only a cold for me) and really want the vaccine. How can I overcome this?

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    even if Covid was only like a cold for you, you still have the antibodies. They are saying now that those antibodies could last a very long time, Possibly a lifetime. . You could get an antibody test. if I already had Covid, I wouldn’t even think about getting the vaccine.

  • Posted

    I'm fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine and I have very high health anxiety and have literally gotten so many ailments post vaccine from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, terrible allergies, crazy allergic reactions to medications I cannot claim it's even associated with the vaccine but I never had any of the issues pre-vaccine. I wish I could offer advice on how not to worry but you literally see something on the news daily about it.

  • Edited

    I can clearly picture what you're going through. From past two years people have been worrying about the novel coronavirus and we have to accept it as the new normal. According to me, consulting a counsellor would be a good suggestion. Also, getting a vaccine would be of no harm to you. Instead, you would be protecting yourselves from getting something worse. Now days ,people can even find a counsellor online and talk to them regarding the issues they are facing . Trust me, everyone is going through this feeling of yours and it will get better soon. Take care 😃

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