Anxiety about my faith in God!

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is anyone here,is born again christian? or do you believed in God? will im one of them,but recently we have a sunday service.i am verry faithful in our ministry,and of course have faith in God.but sometimes i have a thoughts that i think i dont believed in God but my hearts says continue to served God what ever happens.even you face the hardship in your life must be stand anyone here experience this,i have my anxiety since 11 years already.and this is new anxiety for me becsuse of this its feel akward for me.i think im going crazy soon.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    you are not going crazy. Many people go through this in their faith, including myself.

    Even Mother Theresa went through this as well as some of the saints of past. So you are definitely not alone.

    we are humans and it’s natural to doubt at times, especially during these times. . also remember that there is the spirit of evil that tries to pull people away from’s good to be aware of that so that you don’t let yourself become deceived.

    what can really help is reading the Word daily. there are specific passages in there that you can read to increase your faith. Don’t be hard on yourself. just realize that this is a normal thing for humans . an excellent book is called a case for faith . definitely worth reading! you’re going to be OK! ❤

    • Posted

      thank you jan34534, for encouragement,i am not like this before,my God is my strenght and refuge,maybe this is only our minds.that can cause anxiety,its okay for me to overthink anything w/o symptoms.but why anxiety accompanied by symptoms? we can handle the negative thoughts thru diverting our mind into possitive.but this anxiety symptoms,is really hard to cope specially when you are at panic feel hopeless.and thought that there is no solution of coping up.

  • Edited

    anxiety creates symptoms because when we are anxious, adrenaline is released which causes a lot of the symptoms. The best thing to do is relax the mind as much as possible and try not to overthink. When you have those doubts about your faith, be aware that it’s the anxious mind that creates negative thoughts. You can acknowledge the thoughts, But don’t follow them. Just calmly watch them drift off like a leaf on a stream and then do something else that is positive. Our negative thoughts are not based on fact. What you can do is after you have the negative thoughts, you can go and read from scripture to set your mind back on God.❤

    • Posted

      thank you jan its really help me a lot,thank you so much God bless!

  • Posted

    I've had this anxiety b4 too. It can mess with your mind. here's some truth for you:

    • God is always for you, and will forever love you.
    • You're unbelief doesn't change anything. He understands your struggle with doubt.
    • Be like David in the Bible, openly confess to God about your struggles.

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