Anxiety about stomach issues. Need advice please :)

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Hello. 49 year male. I have been not feeling like myself for approx 1 month. I have had reduced to no appetite (although eating and Maintaining weight), upset stomach (not all the time. In morning after wake up and after eat), stomach gas (feels like somebody is popping plastic packing wrap inside). Feeling fatigued in general. At times I feel like my appetite is slowly coming back. I have been to the Dr. 3 times. I have had blood work done twice, right side abdominal ultra sound and a ct scan of the abdomen and pelvis. All has come back fine. I was put on an acid blocker and been taking probiotics. The gas significantly decreased after starting the probiotics. I have anxiety disorder and worry more than most. Should I relax and give it time OR should I seek more test? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 😀

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lance22479

    I think you may have answered your own question. You say the problem occurs after you eat. Try and keep a food diary, day, date, time and food consumed and see if the food you ate caused the pain. Keep doing the diary until you see a pattern emerge. Then whatever foods cause the pain, Stop eating it!!

  • Posted

    If probiotics helped you, you should try taking much stronger strain probiotics available in the market. They are safe and don't have chemicals that can cause side effects.

    Walking and exercise can help additionally. As it seems you are mainly suffering from gas problem.

  • Posted

    A few more things to give more information. My issue started 1/12 all of the sudden. I was great 1/11. The night of 1/11 I went out with friends for drinks and had too much. I got pretty sick that night. The next day I felt like crap. The afternoon of the 12th I started feeling hot and cold (like I was getting the stomach bug). I didn't eat. Dinner that night and got sick again. I felt sick the next day and came home early. Ever since, I haven't been feeling right. I have mild nausea a lot, no appetite (although on occasion I do feel hungry). I am easy to get gas (especially drinking carbonated beverages). I feel just kind of run down / fatigued. Could I have caused damage to my stomach when I got sick on the 11th? Would the ct scan picked up anything serious in my stomach? My doctor thinks my symptoms are a byproduct of anxiety and worry. To me, it feels more than that. Appreciate all replies..

  • Posted

    A few more things to give more information. My issue started 1/12 all of the sudden. I was great 1/11. The night of 1/11 I went out with friends for drinks and had too much. I got pretty sick that night. The next day I felt like crap. The afternoon of the 12th I started feeling hot and cold (like I was getting the stomach bug). I didn't eat. Dinner that night and got sick again. I felt sick the next day and came home early. Ever since, I haven't been feeling right. I have mild nausea a lot, no appetite (although on occasion I do feel hungry). I am easy to get gas (especially drinking carbonated beverages). I feel just kind of run down / fatigued. Could I have caused damage to my stomach when I got sick on the 11th? Would the ct scan picked up anything serious in my stomach? My doctor thinks my symptoms are a byproduct of anxiety and worry. To me, it feels more than that. Appreciate all replies..

  • Posted

    A few more things to give more information. My issue started 1/12 all of the sudden. I was great 1/11. The night of 1/11 I went out with friends for drinks and had too much. I got pretty sick that night. The next day I felt like crap. The afternoon of the 12th I started feeling hot and cold (like I was getting the stomach bug). I didn't eat. Dinner that night and got sick again. I felt sick the next day and came home early. Ever since, I haven't been feeling right. I have mild nausea a lot, no appetite (although on occasion I do feel hungry). I am easy to get gas (especially drinking carbonated beverages). I feel just kind of run down / fatigued. Could I have caused damage to my stomach when I got sick on the 11th? Would the ct scan picked up anything serious in my stomach? My doctor thinks my symptoms are a byproduct of anxiety and worry. To me, it feels more than that. Appreciate all replies..

  • Posted

    Relax and give it time since the probiotics have helped the gas.

  • Posted

    CTs are highly accurate and pick up many things. Your doctor is right that your symptoms could be linked to anxiety. Stress can make gut problems worse. Listen to your doctor and not your anxiety which is telling you something more is wrong. Continue your probiotics since they are helping, avoid fizzy drinks and try a food diary since symptoms come on after eating.

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