Anxiety after dvt and pe

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Hello everyone I am new to this so here’s a lil background information I am a healthyb29 year old woman who 11 months ago was diagnosed wit dvt and pe cause from birth control we have a clot disorder in my family but I do not have it my mother passed away from a lot of major clots in her lungs when I was ten ever since I became an adult I was nervous of t and then it happened I am off bc will never go back on it I was on xaerelto for six months it’s been five since I’ve been off but now I have anxiety bad about getting another and I have symptoms idk if my symptoms r from anxiety I think so I’m pretty good at knowing but the anniversary of when I had my p e is in a month maybe that is y I am anxious? Please let me kno if any of u still have or get super bad anxiety sometimes I don’t wanna end up in the e r all the time for anxiety I think I’ll know if it’s real enough to go cause i did the first time this anxiety is taking a toll on my marriage and my life I just wanna kno if there’s ppl like me out there 

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13 Replies

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    I had my pe in november 2016. Ive had 2 ct scans in the last 4 weeks. My mom has had 3 pes since her 30s she is now 55 but on blood thinners for life. I do not have a blood clotting disorder but i get peranoid all the time of getting one.
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    And ive been off blood thinners since may 2017. Been on asprin and fish oil.
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      Thank u so so much for replying back to me it helps me to know I am not the only one did u have ur ct scans cause u had symptoms and got nervous and everything was good wit them ?  I am on baby aspirin now but even though I know that I get so anxious how do u deal with all the anxiety from it ? Do u feel crazy wen u go to er if it turns out to be nothing ? After I went off my blood thinners I was scared of a stroke cause my mom and sis had one at 30 I was scared my anxiety gave me serious symptoms of one like face dropping and everything i ended up in er now I always feel dumb when I get symptoms they don’t make me just I do myself I will go if I ever feel like I did the first time but it hasn’t gotten that bad yet thank u again I was scared to join a group or talk to anyone about this sometimes I feel crazy cause of how scared and worried I get 
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    Yes sometimes because i felt i had symptoms. But latley ive been having these breathing issues and i think its due to the beta blocker my cardiologist put me on. My cardiologist thinks its my lungs so im seeing a pulmonologist tomorrow. Im only 36. I usually feel fine other then having a hard time taking in deep breaths sometimes. But it all started the very next day i started beta blockers. So i dont know. Hopefully will get answers soon. But ya i feel silly sometimes always going to the er but its my money and my body and there job to make sure im ok.
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      Omgsh it has been so nice to talk to someone finally who understands and has gone through it ! Ok good to know u went cause u felt like u had symptoms I might end up going tomorrow if I don’t feel any better just to make sure I really like how u said ur money n their job they make sure ur ok I hope u get answers soon I hope ur ok this all is scary and u must be scared but also want answers I wish u the best of luck ! I can’t thank u enough for taking the time out to tell me ur personal things and for listening i appreciate it more then u know ! 
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    I hope all goes well for you too and private message me and let me know what happens.
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    Hi Shauna, I also get crushing pains 9 years after my PE.

    I have learnt that blood clots can damage nerves and cause scar tissue. I was also told there is a condition that emulates blood clot pain, a kind of ghost type symptom. I find life very tough and have been pushed to my limits of pain management on many occasions. You are not alone, feel free to chat anytime.

    Regards Keith

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      What caused yours and are you still on


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      Thank you for responding I did kno that they can cause scar tissue but mine wasn’t very big at all it was rather small cause I caught it early but maybe there is still some kind of scarring I didn’t know there was some type of condition that causes the ghost symptoms it helps to kno there’s others out there dealing wit the same thing thanks ! Hope u feel better I kno life can get very tough cause of all this 
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    My PE happened five days after spinal surgery. I was on Warfarin for just 6 months. I have also another spinal problem to deal with along with the chest pain problem.
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      I am no longer on blood thinners I was only on for 6 months I take a baby aspirin everyday my doctor said it would help ease my mind a lil as it thins ur blood a lil and she says she thinks mine was caused from birth control 
  • Posted

    i, too had one last Christmas, saddle pulmonary embolism and a bleeding ulcer i didn't even know i had. im having a blood test next week to see if i get off of xaerelto and i have mixed feelings because i felt "safe" taking it. super anxiety and depression and anxiousness are definitely an everyday affair....i am seeing a therapist to help me get thru these hurdles. hope this helps and i'm here to chat and vent anytime.

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