Anxiety and dizziness?
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As soon as I'm getting ready to sleep for the night, I noticed I feel as if I might get dizzy and it's making me anxious on why I'm feeling like that just out of the blue. I also have a slight headache, I'm normally healthy and never had any serious issues about my health, except that I have severe anxiety symptoms that my doctor wanted me to see a therapist for. Can anxiety cause the feeling that you might be dizzy and make you go into panic mode for overthinking bad things when everything is just fine? It's really scary how anxiety can control your life so well. I really wish I was my old self again before I had ever experienced anxiety. I'm in my early 20s and dealt with anxiety for 7 years, I never really learned how to manage it. Can anyone give me some advice on what I should do if I ever feel an anxiety symptom happening? I would really appreciate the help.
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jan34534 LeporeN
i’m sorry you are going through this. I know how it feels and yes, anxiety can definitely cause dizziness or a feeling like you will be dizzy. Anxiety can cause hundreds of different symptoms. Since you have a history of anxiety, it’s logical that you are going through this right now.
so I definitely agree with your doctor in that you should have regular counseling sessions to learn how to manage this. I know from experience that it’s difficult to do on your own. We tend to sabotage ourselves by overthinking and allowing the negative thoughts to control us. Getting support for this is very important. I do a weekly virtual appointment with a counselor and I actually look forward to it because it’s somebody that I can vent to and get some support from.
in The meantime, there are some things you can do to relax your mind. It’s not a cure but it’s at least some temporary relief .
every Night before I sleep I listen to some positive meditations for anxiety on YouTube. I never make it through the whole meditation because I end up falling asleep.
Also, it’s very important to keep a positive mental attitude even when you’re feeling anxious. it may be difficult at first but the more you do it the easier it gets.
The worst thing you can do is sit around and think about all of this because whatever we think about whether it’s positive or negative, it will magnify in our brain!
So what I do is I try to keep busy, I get exercise no matter what, because a strong body equals a strong mind!
i eat healthy, and tell myself that I am in charge, not the anxiety and not the negative thoughts. do things that make you laugh and smile. things like that.
i used to cower to the anxiety and have a poor me attitude. However, that makes things way worse because I would give up my power. So I had to create a stronger mind and not allow myself to do that. I became more decisive and in control. I still get those symptoms from time to time but I don’t let it bring me down. It’s a process but it can be done.
So I hope you do get that support and just remember that none of the symptoms can harm you. But we have to fight for ourselves! Take care
sarah03526 LeporeN
Dizziness and headaches can be a symptom of anxiety. What is important to know is that your body fears its in danger so activates the fight flight response. It is a way that your body is trying to protect you but it is a false alarm. The more you fight against anxiety the worse it gets. Be aware that your symptoms are due to anxiety and that they will go.
Breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing techniques can reduce activation of vagus nerve. Exercise and having a healthy diet is important. Writing down your worries may help as you can be able to work through them more when they are written on paper. Can you take any action to address your worries. Medication may be beneficial its not for everyone and it takes practice. A lot of are thoughts come from our sub conscious hypnotherapy may help and listening to positive affirmations. Having cognitive behavioural therapy may help this is recommended treatment for anxiety.
perry82049 LeporeN
Anxiety disorders are often treated with a combination of therapy, exercise, a healthy diet, and anti-anxiety medications.