Anxiety and fear of dying.
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I know I shouldn't be looking up my symptoms on google, but I feel like I'm dying even though I'm breathing just fine and doing activity still normally. The anxiety symptoms I have are dizziness, feeling as if I'm about to collapse, even though I haven't. Nausea, muscle aches or tensions and fatigue, heart racing from worrying about my health, confusion, these symptoms are 24/7 and I just want to feel back to normal already. I feel bad for visiting ER rooms or seeing my doctor with every new symptom I experience, just to find out that I'm perfectly healthy and they tell me I should see a therapist for help to change my lifestyle around. Does anyone know if this could be anxiety or something serious? I would love for someone to help me out. I can never seem to relax and calm myself from being so anxious. I should of never googled my symptoms which my doctor has mentioned before, but now I'm convinced my health could be in danger. I did a virtual follow up on my doctor when I told him how I been feeling, he can tell right away that I have anxiety and that it's getting worst to see a therapist as soon as possible when I can.
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jan34534 LeporeN
I agree with your doctor. All of your symptoms sound like stress and anxiety related. I have had all of your symptoms and many more and all of my testing came back normal. And that was 30 years ago! I’m still here so you know that those symptoms will not harm you.
You say you convinced yourself you have something serious however convincing yourself is in no way fact or reality. your fear is what is convincing you and fear is only an emotion and not fact. fear stands for false evidence appearing real. that’s what anxiety does to the mind.
The fact is that your doctors never found anything seriously wrong. please don’t Google symptoms because they will not pertain to your individual situation. Google rarely lists the most common non-serious reasons for symptoms. You will waste your time and become more anxious for no reason.
i highly recommend that you have regular appointments with a counselor who can help you manage all of this. You can do virtual appointments which work great. I do them once a week. I actually look forward to them because I learn something new every appointment. It’s very difficult to try to do on your own. That’s because the negative thoughts that come with anxiety keep people stuck and paralyzed with fear and they can’t get out of it and they don’t know how.
also, there are some excellent meditations on YouTube for anxiety. I listen to them every night when laying down to sleep and I never make it through the whole meditation without falling asleep. There are hundreds of them. it doesn’t take the place of counseling but it definitely helps relax the mind!
mental attitude is everything when it comes to anxiety! Remember that whatever you put into your mind whether it’s negative or positive, it will EXPAND!
so whenever you get a negative thought you’ve got to immediately let it go. Replace it with something positive, something you’re grateful for, etc. do things that make you laugh and smile, go for a walk outside, socialize with family and friends, those are just a few examples.
think about your life and what may possibly be causing you anxiety. Work? Family? Relationships? And discuss it with the counselor.
The worst thing you can do is sit around and think about your symptoms because that will make them worse. Stay busy
i hope this helps a little bit. You’re going to be OK! Take care ❤
LeporeN jan34534
Thank you Jan for the helpful advices. I really do appreciate someone hearing me out and letting me know that everything is fine. I didn't know anxiety can cause so many symptoms and new ones that I never experienced before. I'm just really glad to know my health is not really in danger and that I'm finally getting some help to finally over my severe anxiety symptoms. Thank you again for caring and taking the time to let me know that everything will be okay.
ashlyn66058 LeporeN
you are not alone!!! i get the same panicked feelings that i am going to die- bur she righr we have to covince our mind it is just the anxiety.
Ptgsl88 LeporeN
its called health anxiety i got therapy for it learned how to deal with the situations I was put in I used to walk around the house thinking I was going to die , please don't ever Google symptoms its a one way path to totally mess up your mind you could have a bout of pins and needles and Google would say your dying , hope you get things sorted start thinking positively your doc has give you a good bill of health there are people out there with no anxiety at all and are terminally ill so we really should thank ourself lucky that we just worry about it
LeporeN Ptgsl88
I just had an appointment with my doctor yesterday and he did tell me it was health anxiety. I never knew anxiety could give you something that seems life- threatening, but it's actually not. I'm getting help though and will be seeing a therapist this week. I do appreciate the responses that gives me a bit of relief to know that I'm not the only one going through these symptoms. Thank you for caring and letting me know to stay away from Google.
rebecca88816 LeporeN
I have been suffering the same for the last 3 years.
In 2017 i was convinced I had a brain tumour - did all tests possible etc and everything was fine. Last year it was a heart condition and earlier this year i thought i had cancer! All my symptoms are actually anxiety like you, nausea, dizziness and muscle aches.
i would definitely recommend seeing a therapist for CBT treatment and the health anxiety affirmations on youtube are very good. Tomorrow i start new medication to help the overwhelmness i feel like you.
You arent alone, there are many of us suffering! If going to the doctor reassures you then you should go. Keep away from googling, its a downward spiral once you start. Wishing you all the best.
cleek14 LeporeN
i have had health anxiety for almost 11 years now. some days im fine and others im a complete anxious mess. any little symptom that pops up, i automatically start freaking out about it which makes my thoughts obsess over it and makes it worse. i can be fine and not anxious then all of a sudden my heart will skip a beat or feels like it stops then starts again and then i really spiral into a panic attack. i went to a cardiologist three times a few years ago and had all kinds of tests done and everything was normal, but i still feel like something is wrong. you are not alone and we will get through this!