Anxiety and Menopause
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Hello ladies was wondering if any of you ladies are taking Fluoxetine for anxiety? How are you doing on it? Another question is anyone having trouble with their glucose or bone density..I went to the dr for physical and my glucose fasting number was good but my A1c level was on 5.7 and was told to watch what I eat. My density bone scan came back and was not good was put on Calcium and Vitamin D supplements..44 feel like I am 65. Is there anyone else experiencing anything like this..thanks☹
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klm1213 charlotte57631
Yup!! This just happened to me recently at the doctor (A1C was 5.9 nonfasting).My triglycerides were also a little high.. Everything used to be perfect until perimenopause. Someone did tell me that insulin is a hormone, so that makes sense that when all of our other hormones are out of whack so is it
charlotte57631 klm1213
ok thanks for responding back..I have never really had my A1C checked before but glad it I know what it is..did your dr tell you est differently or anything?
klm1213 charlotte57631
yea, she perscribed me Metformin but I haven't started taking it... I decided to stop eating fast food and sweets and watch what I eat at home and to see how I do from there
charlotte57631 klm1213
my dr did not prescribe me anything..I am doing what you are doing just trying to watch what I eat..was your fasting glucose number high?
klm1213 charlotte57631
I wasn't fasting when she took my blood.
charlotte57631 klm1213
yes I was too and my glucose was 81 but A1c was goal is to bring it down🙏 for both!!