Anxiety and sensitivity...

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The level of anxiety is just so high today...I hate this. And Im sensitive to what people are saying and doing. Prayers please.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Prayers for you Valerie, im the same with anxiety - I pick up on everything people say aswell and read things that maybe arnt there. Overthink and overanalyse everything. You're not alone x

  • Posted

    Hi Valerie my anxiety has put me in the hospital....doctors saying racing heart is a result of anxiety...they put me on a beta blocker..and anti anxiety med...prayers are with you...are you still getting palpitations?
    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. Yes I'm still getting them off and on. Its annoying.

    • Posted

      Its not so much a racing heart but hard heart beats. A co worker said I might be dehydrated or have a uti. Not sure anymore...I dont even have insurance to go see a doc until January.
  • Posted

    Hi Valarie

    I'm praying for you🙏🏽. I know how hard this is. I'm going

    through the anxiety more this last few months myself.

    I thought the anxiety was getting better and it has but

    for this last month has been much worst. As of now I'm

    waiting for my period which is about a week late I hope

    it's about over. We can pray for one another.?? Let's

    keep in touch!

    • Posted

      Hello there maureen! Thanks for the reply. The anxiety is more noticeable the week or 2 leading up to my period but I'm so irregular I dont even know when its coming at this point. Prayers for you.

  • Posted

    Hi valerie, when I was experiencing anxiety attacks, magnesium supplements always worked with calming me down. If you don't want to take supplements, try eating foods high in magnesium.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply Maria...I have heard and read about magnesium helping with anxiety and sleep. My fiance has a bottle in the cabinets which are 250 mg each. Im thinking about taking one.
    • Posted

      I completely forgot to take the magnesium pill last night as I feel asleep early. My fiance told me not to take it during the day only at night. So I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!

  • Posted

    Hi Valarie,

    i do truly sympathise, I often feel similar... like I've had a shot of adrenalin!

    all I can say from my personal experience is that I've started meditating daily, even 5 minutes helps, keeping that a routine plus gentle yoga with deep breathing is grounding, breathing in for the count of 7 and out for the count of 11, you can do this anywhere at anytime, it's so calming and was taught to me at a stress and anxiety workshop this year.

    I had a hysterectomy a year ago ( due to very large fibroids that had been a problem for a few years causing bleeding and pressure on my bowel and bladder)and just like the lady in the programme I have to say a part of me also now feels 'damaged' post op.

    Ladies it's clear we all need more support and a chance to voice our worries and concerns ... does anybody live in the Brighton and Hove area who would like to meet up and start a support group once a month perhaps? Just a thought!

    have a lovely day everyone xx

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