Anxiety and shaking in the morning
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Hi all you lovely ladies,
I am dealing with some awful symptoms after a gall bladder op! A few days after surgery i started having strange symptoms which have caused me concern, drs all say nerves. Now six months on i have anxiety, shakes, hot flashes, feeling sick, dry facial skin, itchy skin on belly, I also have CFS. My blood test show I am in menopause, I had a hysterectomy in 2011. Could the surgery have escallated menopause symptoms? Im thinking of trying a low dose hrt patch, does anyone have advice for me please? Thanks
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Sochima822 carol62649
carol62649 Sochima822
Sochima822 carol62649
Antidepressants are given to a lot of women nowadays for menopausal symptoms. I would refuse the mammogram, you can request for a manual breast test, as for your veins collasping, only time will heal them. But have they exhausted all your veins?
It has come to my attention that acupuncture is good for menopausal symptoms. From my experience, if you don't take medication you can always try St. Johns wort as long as you don't have high blood pressure, don't take other herbs with it, or drink alcohol. It worked well on me. But it's only good to take for 3 months because after that it becomes ineffective. However, I took for less than that and my symptoms went away. I do hope you find something that helps you.
carol62649 Sochima822
i just wanted to add a little info about high blood pressure, we recently started eating more cashew, almonds, brazil nuts. Guess what, blood pressure dropped to normal, partner tried an experiment didnt eat nuts his bp went back up to high, next day he took nuts bp went back down to normal. Good result but make sure they are natural and no salted. Peanuts are not nuts, so try the above mix and see, also pumpkin seeds! Cheers!
Sochima822 carol62649
Hi Carol, I've been eating nuts now for a long time. I have low blood pressure, and it can get below normal at times which I have to watch out for. I don't eat peanuts very often but thanks for the tip. Cheers & have a good day!
lynda20916 carol62649
Hi Carol,
How long has it been since your operation? I'm not sure whether hrt would help, but I would suggest that you see your doctor, and consult with a nutritionist to make sure that your nutritional needs are being met.
Best of luck to you! Let me know how you do.
carol62649 lynda20916
hi, thanks for your reply, ive seen a few DRS since my op in march 2016, most say nerves, i say menopause is here too, health anxiety and CFS is not a nice mix. Yes ive got lots of vitamins magnesium, B12, pro biotics, etc, eating good foods. Very little sugar, caffiene, fats. Im 59, since the op ive just hit the brick wall! Lovely to have some feedback on this forum, thanks again!🌺
Sochima822 carol62649
Hi Carol, I worked in an ob/gyn clinic I have known many women whom have had their gall bladder's removed and taken hrt successfully, and other women with far worse diseases, and some who have had bypass surgery, and had success in taking hrt. While nutrition is important when I went on hrt, I didn't have to worry about what I ate, my hormones were balanced well enough to allow me to eat what I wanted. However, I'm not a junk food junkie, nor do I drink alcohol, and I eat mostly healthy foods with an occasional burger maybe once every few months. Unless your doctor suggests otherwise, from what you've said here, I don't see any reason for you not to be a candidate for hrt but your doctor would be the one to give you that right.
carol62649 Sochima822
Hi Sochima822,
sounds like you know what you are talking about! Thanks for your input. Its so good to get opinions from others that have experienced these issues. I have some herbals ie motherwort, american ginseng, golden seal, and a couple of others in mix a thyroid clinic gave me. I will take it again, anything is worth a try? I often wonder if modern drugs are all they are touted to be?? Id love to be back to normal!, wouldnt we all. Best wishes to you!🌹
judy67163 carol62649
I am going crazy with similar issue. Cannot get resolved! Spinal fusion back surgery July 2016. I'm 65. Doing great. But had hysterectomy 10 years ago. Was on patch low dose 9 1/2 years. Stopped before back surgery. So. Since surgery have major hot flashes all day and night. I do t want to go back on estrogen, doesn't seem healthy. And doc says at age 65 I do t need it! Well why all these hot flashes? I do t k ow what to do. Had thyroid checked. All ok Help! Any suggestions. I think surgery messed up hormones!
carol62649 judy67163
sorry my reply to you earlier has been deleted by the moderator, i must have broken a rule lol. There are herbs that can help with hot flashes black cohosh is one. Just make sure you research herbals becausesome can interact with anti dep meds. St Johns wort is one herb that isnt advised when on ad meds. I take anti dep meds so i have to be careful even green tea is a no no believe it or not! The health food shops have a range of menopause products. Have you had a look there? Im in Australia where the heat can be oppressive, i have a fan on all the time! And i use a damp face cloth on back of my neck. Best of luck i hope you come through it all!
Sochima822 judy67163
Judy, sage is excellent for hot flashes, as is Macca. Black cohosh doesn't work, I tried it for 3 months and it made no difference. Macca takes about 1 or 2 to feel the effects. Sage also takes about a month. I, also use to take Flax seed oil which worked after taking it a couple of times. Hope this helps you find some relief.
judy67163 Sochima822
Sochima822 judy67163