Anxiety and stress: medication

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Firstly, and I know this is going to be a massive point of contention - I self prescribed my self Diazepam.

I am in a country where this is actually possible.

I was having serious anxiety and basically increased angry/over board reactions to things around me. I was overthinking things and letting them get to me. I was also suffering from public anxiety. This anxiety was not small, I my heart beat would race so much that you could actually see my beard pulse with each beat.

I've been on Diazepam for about 5 days now, and I am finding it isn't helping me. I feel a little sleepy during the day, but that is it. All the anxieties the stress, the reaction to small situations at home are all still there. I even tried 10mg today as I had to do a team presentation and my voice still quivered like mad.

I was only planning to take it for a couple of weeks to get me through in the hope that I would eventually even out my mood as it has never spiked like this.

I have 4 tablets left, i will half them and take them over the next few days and stop (although i am pretty sure I haven't been taking them long enough for withdrawal.

What is my next step?

Should I try Valium?

There is absolutely nothing like CBT/therapy here. There is also no real mental health experts either which is why I am doing my research and trying things that I hope will help.

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    valium is the brand name for diazepam and is not recommended for long-term anxiety is highly addictive and can be dangerous under certain circumstances. cbd Oil is known for its anti-anxiety properties. And it’s natural. I hope you can get some help so that you can feel better. Take care

  • Posted

    I can understand that finding a mental health professional can be a task but prescribing medications on your own can be very dangerous and can harm your health. You should take the help of the world wide net to search for a doctor. There are many website on the net which can connect you to trained doctors. You can use that if you can't find a doctor nearby. After finding a doctor start your treatment and you will feel way better.

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