Anxiety and upset stomach

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ive had anxiety for awhile now.. the past year has been the worst year.. but im trying to stay positive.. i became dependant on my bf with my anxiety and depresssion and hes in the military and had to leave ... i found out my vitamin d is low .. 18 to be exact and im startint my vitamin supp today.. im hoping it makes me feel better .. i was reading about it and saw about cancer ect and now my head is running.. ive been bruising easily.. more depessed.. more anxiety .. bowel movemnets havnt been normal... and my stomach is always upset.. all over ... im under way too much stress i know that but it doesnt help that my mind runs.. im getting sharp pains in my belly area and then upset stomach... does anybody know if anxiety makes the tummy so upset and sharp pains.. or has anybody experieced these symptoms...

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nicole,

    Yes just about all my adult life. Ive been very stressed with starting a new job and it gets so bad I was up most of one nite and called out the next day. I would take tums, have mint tea or anything to settle my stomach nothing works. and it bothers me so much I dont want to eat or I feel sick. Most of my psychical pain is all in my head. what really does help is talking to people who are important in my life and let them know how I feel. best advice try to stay off the internet and diagnosis yourself, I've done that and you think you have everything you read.

    Also what helps me is reading stuff down, planning my day what I have to do or journal how your day was.

    Hope you feel better

    • Posted

      yes im trying to do all that lol and not think so much... im in texas (south to be exact) and well the sun isnt coming out much.. thats also what i need lol... but yes stress anxiety and depression are the worst and trying to find things that get my mind off has been hard but .. i agree about journaling and finding things to do helps... thank you.. hope you feel better yourself

    • Posted

      thanks a kind of feel a little better but jus always anxious. I think im going to look into therapy. i have tried meds for depression but make you feel even more down. but what helps me alot is coming to sites where i dont feel completely alone, its a great feeling, especially when people go through what you are going through.

    • Posted

      oh for sure ... i havent tried meds .. for that reason... but i do get on here for that same reason... it helps because people who dont understand wont get it ..

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