anxiety, breathing problems and issues swallowing - is this peri menopause..?

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Hi. I've been having random anxiety attacks for the last two years - usually made better with a 2mg diazapin tablet. However this month I had a more severe anxiety attack which needed 2x diazapin 3x a day. For three days I didn't eat and felt anxious. Then it just passed. At around the same time I've started experiencing problems with my swallowing - feels like small things are sticking in my throat. And my breathing has been erratic - often feel like I can't get my breath. I'm not having any problems sleeping/hot flushes etc. Does this sound like the peri menopause/menopause - I'm 45... I feel like I'm going mad and feel anxious all the time....

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11 Replies

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    Yes it sounds exactly like perimenopause symptoms.  I had the throat problem about 9 years ago ! I had a camera down to check and there was nothing there.  I’m pretty sure it’s cauaed by anxiety.  As hard as it is try not to focus on it and it will go I’m sure.  You could always get it checked to be on the safe side.  Anzxiety is my worst symptom sad it’s vile and I also have Diazepam 2mg tablets to take if I need to be calm for an appointment.  You’re not going mad albough that’s exactly what it feels like,  I had exactly the same thoughts a couple of years ago.   Sure many other ladies will tell you the same x

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie. The anxiety is horrible and now with the other symptoms it makes it worse. I have an appointment with the doctors on Friday, as thinking to put my mind at rest on that front. Did you use HRT as I'm wondering if that is worth trying..?

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      Hi,  no I haven’t tried HRT yet ? Was trying to manage without just because I’ve heard the symptoms come back once you come off it ? xx
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      Ah I thought once you'd got through the menopause it would all ease. i just don't think I can feel like this for the next ten years or so!!

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    hi, you are not alone! although I rarely have anxiety, I do have the issues with breathing and throat. while most of mine is caused by allergies it is still very much annoying. I have found that it tends to be worse with weather changes. I live in a very humid state and that makes it worse. I get a steroid shot once a month and that has helped tremendously, but i still have a lot of drainage that goes into my chest at times. i hope we can help you put your mind at ease and you realize you are not crazy lol. lots of hugs💜🧡🙂

    • Posted

      Hi. It's reassuring to know it may be the menopause and not me going mad! I've been told by friends that the symptoms are a side effect of the anxiety, and while it might not be anything more serious, the anxiety is horrible and I just want it to go away.... 

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    Hello Mrs martini

    Yes, certainly sounds similar to most if the ladies here. If you search you'll find lots of threads with the same... Which hopefully will make you feel a bit better. I'm 43 and the same, I have diazepan which I'm trying hard not to take. I'm also on bhrt which has helped a lots, but the anxiety is the most difficult for me to shake off xxx

    • Posted

      I'm hoping i can try the HRT and see if that works and I'm also just starting to see someone about CBT to try and manage the anxiety when it happens. I don't want to take the diazepam if I can help it, but it seems to be getting worse.... fingers crossed I get get some help and the symptoms ease a little... 

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    Well, yes. That all goes along with peri, but because anxiety also comes along with peri. Are you starting to have wonky periods? 
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      I don't know as I have the coil so don't get any periods ....

  • Posted

    This will eventually pass but in the meantime, please consider a few sessions of acupuncture, it can work wonders x

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