Anxiety came back when I thought I was getting better

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Hi all

Hope you're all not to bad put there !

I have had anxiety all my life on and off for one reason or another

My dad committed suicide in 2015 and it took me and good 3 years to come out of that.

Ever since then I have had blips once or twice a year.

All the usual symptoms.

I'm also very afraid I will do the same as him. Does anyone out there have a similar thing ? I dont want to die, but my anxiety keeps saying your going to do it etc

Had a blip recently lasted 6 weeks and just had 2 weeks of feeling ok then last night boom it was back.

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3 Replies

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    Anxiety has a way of popping in when you least expect it. I have that, and so do millions of other people. I try to relax about it and except it and manage at the best I can. I exercise which really helps a lot, eat healthy, listen to meditations for anxiety, keep busy.

    Don’t let anxiety win. This is your life and you have a right. To enjoy it and feel better. Have you ever considered speaking with a counselor to learn ways to manage it? When you have those thoughts, always be aware that it’s the anxiety talking. Anxiety has a way of putting negative thoughts into our head. Those thoughts are not based on fact or reality. Always remember that. I’ve had anxiety pretty severely since I was in my 20s. I’m now in my 60s. I refuse to ever give up. I had to toughen up and be determined. Life is too beautiful. I would have missed so much and I am glad that I am here.

    Be a fighter for yourself! Get some support. You are worth it!

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    I'm sorry about your Dad, that is just terrible. I understand about your fear.

    I have on and off throughout my life had periods of not wanting to die but being afraid of losing control and doing something. For example: I would be sitting on the balcony and have to run inside because I would get this overwhelming feeling that I might (without wanting to) jump off. It was terrifying.

    My best friend, who is a therapist, told me that these thoughts are very normal, especially in people with high anxiety, just that people don't really talk about them. And to not be afraid as it is (yet another) manisfestation of anxiety.

    Since I have personally met 3 people with anxiety who have these kind of thoughts.

    I hope that you will feel better very soon!

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    yes i understand how you feel. my mum didnt commit suicide but she drank herself to death and we found her deceased in the bathroom. i live in constant fear of doing what she did and constant fear of leaving my children like she did to me. i think when you experience sudden death it creates a real fear that life really can be short. every symptom i get from anxiety takes me right back to believing im going to suddenly die like she did. i think it's a trauma response and "normal". we have to remember that that fear is actually a good thing weirdly enough because we care too much to do it but living with the thoughts is hard. ive tried all sorts but CBT with a good therapist helped the most over time. i understand my feelings now but i still struggle with anxiety causing physical symptoms. sorry not much use but wanted to say youre not alone!

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