Anxiety? Didn't know it had so many symptoms, been like this for the past 2 weeks.

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I'm 19, 6'0, 200 lbs

A little background.

I was 250 lbs, and I was looking to drop weight. Wasn't eating so healthy, and taking weight loss pills, diuretics, fiber gummies and others for about 1 month.

I was staying at my aunt's place for about a year, and she told me to move in with my uncle cause he had more space so i could get a bigger room and what not.

2 weeks ago, on Saturday i was outside on the balcony having a phone call and suddenly my right arm starts going numb out of nowhere, then I start feeling dizzy, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

I got scared, I was trying to figure out what it was. I had someone second hand smoke from the neighbor because he smokes, but that was not the case.

The symptoms been on and off, and about 3 days later i went to the ER because I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack.

They checked my Vitals, checked my heart with the machine, they did x-ray of my chest, urine test. Everything came out perfect, they said I'm as healthy as a 19 should be.

I don't drink or smoke or do any drugs.

After that i felt a little more relieved. And I've still been having the symptoms on and off but didn't pay attention to it..

Until 4 days ago, I thought I was going to pass out, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, and others.

I went to the ER, they did tests for my chest. Same thing all good, even blood test.

Now these past days I've been noticing the pain is usually on my left upper side of my abdomen, right below my chest and it feels like needles stabbing it.

It causes the chest pains, I was sweating last night, dizzy, body going numb, my right foot felt like it was on fire.

Thing's I've noticed: It hurts when I lay on my left side, when I eat foods with too much sugar like a cupcake or something with lots of fat like a slice of pizza i get headaches, chest pain, my neck hurts and others.

I've been dizzy, fatigued and week with on and off symptoms for the past 2 weeks and the doctors said it was Anxiety.. I really don't think so.

A couple things I thought about, it could be my pancreas or colon due to the weight loss pills i was taking that affected me or anything in my left side of my abdomen.

Maybe clogged arteries which explains why my arms or legs go numb so much and pain in my neck and head when eating greasy or sugary food. ( Which I don't think ).

It seems like it's more than anxiety to me. As that's something I've never had. Please let me know any recommendations.

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    Supposedly, the Anxiety was because I was moving to my uncles place. And i really didn't want to because he doesn't understand me well.

    But I've been through my fare share of problems in life, worse than just this and never had anxiety.

  • Edited

    I am really sorry that you feel this way, noone should.

    You could read my post which i posted some minutes ago i think you could find it, i share the same situation. Symptoms we are told are creations of our thoughts. It is truth that our minds have such power on our bodies, the mind is what translates electrical signals from our bodies to feelings and pains anyways so with an anxious mind who can you trust.

    As i describe in my post i don't believe any of the symptoms i face are duo to anxiety but when i read yours i feel confident you are ok. We are 19, we are supposed to be healthy and believe when i say that i have felt every single thing you mention. What i have notices is that when try to be relaxed, when i do not have objectively stressful situations to deal with i feel better, it is as if my symptoms are better. I would propose take two days off and see how you feel. Go on a mini trip, little , go to the beach go camping or just go to a friends house, have a sleepover, engage in something relaxing for a weekend and try not to be alone , try not spend to much time alone with those thoughts.

    • Posted

      I appreciate the insights.

      Keep pushing, it makes me feel better to understand that's in my mind.

      I'm going to have to focus that energy into positive things like exercise.

      Well. If you need someone to talk to, by all means reach out to me.

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