Anxiety extreme and solutions
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54 years old menopause anxiety problems caused by menopause.
Hi ladies I am back here have been ausent of the forum trying to put my emotions in order and find the right mix for me. Let me tell you very hard to find a right doctor and don't even start taking about right prescriptions, it is so horrible hard my main problem is anxiety after trying different docs who try to pump me with antidepressants I found this woman doctor who really tried to fit in my shoes and I have excellent references about her. The point is now I am trying to go natural after using HRT the Premarin didn't work because I got my period ( very weird by the way) and the obgyn suspended the Premarin and just kept the estrogen 100 which supposedly helped me with the other issues ( the only issue that I have is anxiety). Also I went from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroid which she think triggered the anxiety levels. Now I am taking synthroid 50 in the morning after B stress complex before going to work when I can work I am in so much fear of loosing my job which I love, during the day i try to manage the anxiety with Bach flowers pastille but I need something also. At night I take metoprolol that help with the thyroid and palpitations and later now that I am not taking the progesterone I am using for a second day melatonin but honestly I haven't sleep good in a long time. Please can't anymore with the anxiety please!!!! Any advice any one using estrovera or anything also for anxiety?????
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wendy36287 marcia_27799
marcia_27799 wendy36287
tesslacoil wendy36287
Hi Wendy - I've just started to do this as well. Only been at it for about a week or so but I'm noticing some great benefits! Before this, I took 1 tbsp of olive oil per day and wow - my hair stopped falling out and my joints and sinuses improved greatly! I've switched to BSO, without the olive oil, just to test it (and so I can tell the difference between both). Have you been doing it long and if so, what have you noticed?
tesslacoil wendy36287
PS: 52, anxiety for 10 years now, just starting to find ways to break that cycle
) Doctors are too expensive so I've been lurking around natural solutions forever, looking for right combos. Thinking I'm finally on the right track (after finding this forum and seeing that it's not all in my head LOL).
marcia_27799 wendy36287
Gypsy014 marcia_27799
Hi Marcia, sounds like your in combination of Hashimotos and menopause, exactly where I am!!! It's tough I take nothing because I have anxiety bad and have anxiety towards any meds and the side effects which can make you very nervous... I do everything all natural, even them b vitamins can make you quite nervous with anxiety.. What happens when you get off everything and let your body go all natural?? Hashimotos can only be diagnosed with antibodies blood test and can be controlled well with a low histamine diet! Symptoms of Hashimotos is much like peri menopause and can cause your thyroid to swing back and forth between hyper and hypo causing all kinds of unpleasant anxiety symptoms until eventually thyroid burns itself out..lots of woman develop thyroid issues while going through menopause, it's all connected, try looking up low histamine diet for hashimotos.. Take care ?
marcia_27799 Gypsy014
Gypsy thakns I feel so frustrated today has been a really bad day. I wake up ok and went to wok, unfortunately once there my stress started and I was all day long trying to manage the anxiety it was so hard. I work as a legal secretary and it is stressful even when is not. I have the best boss in the world who make my work environment a really happy place and he has been very understandable. I wasn't this person couples months ago and I am scare and sad. Today I woke up on and went to work as soon as I got there felt the stress I was all day managing until 5 pm left and took the 405 to The Valley I couldn't I lost it and I got panic attack all my body was complete rigid I try meditation and Bach pills but nothing was working. I just took piece of pill of 0.5 of lorazepam and call my friend and cried all the way home!!!
Why I am so sad I don't understand how this hit me so fast and I was not prepared
maddysmom2015 marcia_27799
I hear you about trying to go natural. That's my life goal too.
Is the B vitamin helping? I get my worst anxiety when I am low on Vit B. I call it "active shooter in the building" anxiety. It's horrible when I first wake. And I am a mad woman throughout the day. I take more than 100% of the RDA because I need it to manage the anxiety. B vitamins are water soluable, so we do not retain them like the fat soluable vitamins, A, E, and D.
What's your caffeine/chocolate consumption? Are you able to exercise--even a little? I find with the Vit B, the exercise and the reduced caffeine, I am can cross the border from non-functional to functional.
I also write 3 pages of what I call "anxiety pages." They are just a free association, hand written each day. (Meditating and mindfulness is too passive for me. I need to do something.) Then, whatever absurdity the free association contains, I try to make a to do list from them that is constructive and shred the pages. I actually say "take that, crippling anxiety!" as they go through the shredder.
I hope you are OK. I'm here with you.
marcia_27799 maddysmom2015
Oh Maddy today was bad but I still have hope. Yes I am trying do it natural but today I needed more help and got a piece of 0.5 lorazepam to calm me down because it was unbearable. I think what was helping was a Little of everything I wake up and take my synthroid 50 and after hour eat something soft and take the B- Stress complex vitamin after during mid morning I eat a snack and take my woman's one day vitamin and I am abusing the Bach flowers pastilles definitely abusing. Please ANYONE ANY IDEAS TO KEEP SANE DURING DAY.
maddysmom2015 marcia_27799
Hi Marcia,
I'm so sorry you are having a rough day! I take my lorazepam when I need to and don't feel any shame about it. Sounds like you are keeping a regular, steady calorie intake which is incredibly important for anxiety.
I did a little googling and saw that synthroid could contribute to anxiety. Do you notice an increase after taking it? If so, it would be worth talking to the doctor about modifying the dose. (I know you need to take it!)
My other suggestions would be to try to write your anxieties stream of consciousness to get it out of your head an onto paper. Or incorporate some exercise if you can. I know sometimes the panic for me is so bad, I can't even imagine driving to the gym or being outside. I either push through or call up a 10 minute exercise video on youtube. (There are more exercise videos than cat videos!) The dopamine dump from exercise can neutralize the cortisol from the anxiety.
I'm thinking of you!
marcia_27799 maddysmom2015
Thank you help so much reading the advice and knowing that we are not alone here. Have you try Prozac to calm your anxiety I was just prescribed and I haven't take it yet. Maybe I haven't decided what scare me more anxiety attacks, lorazepam, or Prozac?