Anxiety / Feeling Overwhelmed
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Are any other women out there feeling overwhelmed with their lives? I feel so impaired with anxiety and depression that it is so hard to lead a "normal" life. I make plans to do things, such as an upcoming group cycling trip, but then I worry about how I am going to feel and how I am going to cope with being around other people, especially if I don't feel like myself.
I am a strong person, who used to have such confidence and optimism. Sometimes, I feel like a shell of my former self.
Usually, I just push myself to keep going, but then I eventually end up breaking down emotionally, because the stress just becomes too much.
I feel so frustrated, and I long to return to the life that I had.
Sometimes, it is hard to keep hope alive, though.
Any thoughts?
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Gypsy014 bev27429
Oh yes bev I feel exactly the same, I couldn't have said it all better myself.. I have an upcoming event this Saturday where I'm being counted on being there.. And all I keep doing is stressing over will be able to go can I make it through this, what will I say if I can't make it.. Its just awful! I too was a super independent strong person, until this all struck me out of nowhere... I wonder how long will I feel this way , I long for that person I once was, I feel so trapped and like I'm letting everyone down including myself.. Like I said you said it all perfectly, I just push on through day to day, and hope I can get back to some sort of normalcy.. Keep pushing on to much better days ahead.. ?
bev27429 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
I agree completely. I feel wracked with guilt when I have to cancel, but it doesn't seem like there is much of an alternative. It is so difficult!
Pushing through is the only option, isn't it. It is hard, though, to keep finding the strength.
I keep telling myself that this is temporary, so I won't always feel this way. In the meantime, I just need to do the best that I can to get through the days, until I get back to the way I was.
Guest bev27429
Yes. I feel the same, it used to be worse when I was really sick. And I have friends who just don't understand why I would cancel so much. And it's hard to explain to them when they have no idea what I'm dealing with. Wish people would just be kind.
When this all started I think depression was one of my first symptoms. I spent a lot of time on the sofa. Nothing looked good to me. I felt like life was over since my kids were gone and moved to far away cities. I just wasn't thinking rationally at all. I can say now that I'm much better two years later. And when I start getting those nagging depression feelings or anxiety feelings I notice that it's going along with my burning feet. So it's just GOT to be hormones.
What were your very first symptoms? Looking back mine were: shortness of breath from time to time, raging uncontrolled anger at my husband if he said something I didn't like which led to gastritis, and depression. It took about 6 months for all the other really horrible symptoms to start rearing their ugly heads.
bev27429 Guest
The symptoms that I have had are crying jags, rages where I want to break things, anxiety, depression, severe cramping, bloating, and just generally feeling unwell. I also have times of euphoria, which I relish.
I hope that I am nearing the end, as the psychological symptoms, in particular, are so difficult to deal with. I am almost 50, and it seems like my period is grinding to a halt.
Where are you in the perimenopausal journey? Did you have to hit menopause before your symptoms decreased?
debi62095 bev27429
Yes I'm same .
What you taking?
Supplements not helped me but worth a try and keeping positive I know it's hard isn't it but anything to help.😂
ImagineOneDay bev27429
I am the same. I learned that pushing myself too much doesn't work for me. I am taking it easy by not making arrangements for the future. I sometimes felt OK in the evenings and suddenly had energy, felt positive to make plans. But having had to find excuses when the day came made me feel so dysfunctional. So I just stopped. Hopefully we will be back to normal one day. Don't push yourself too much. Take it easy.
mary27278 bev27429
Bev i know what you mean. I just feel overwhelmed with these symptoms. Sometimes it feels like its too much and i wonder how long it will last. I even get health anxiety really bad , praying that this is only perimenopause. I have no control anymore.. i have no happy hormones at all. Most of the time i am jusy numb. I try to stay busy but i get so frustrated when my body wont allow me to be or do the same thing like before. I also get depressed when i see my sisters, friends, or classmates moving on with life without any interruptions like menopause interferring. I get angry at myself because i sometimes feel as though i could have prevented this if i would have enjoyed life more than stressing or allowing others to stress me. I pray that this too shall pass soon so i can really enjoy my life from now on , value myself more and never take my life for granted or allow anyone else to do it. It's definately is a valueable lesson learned. We will make it through this, we will be much stronger and wiser afterward.😊
bev27429 mary27278
Hi Mary,
I know exactly what you mean about not having happy hormones and feeling numb.
Never beat yourself up! There is absolutely nothing that you could have done to prevent this. Hormones are such powerful chemicals, that it is basically impossible to counteract them. If I could have, I would have! I have employed every strategy, but to no avail. It's very difficult to be at the whim of your hormones, and the hardest part is not knowing where the finish line is.
Certainly, we will all be stronger and wiser at the end!
Sending support your way.
Amalie13 bev27429