Anxiety From Mono - Any Tips or Tricks?

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Hi Everyone,

I've had a rough last few days dealing with the anxiety side of mono. I get all the scary physical symptoms (currently head and eye pressure, nerve pain, weak legs, a burning sensation and so on) and my mind just latches onto it and makes it all worse. I absolutely blame mono for now experiencing panic attacks and making me feel like I can't breath and may faint. So I'm finding it more and more difficult to get through the work day when I so desperately want to lie down. Any tips on easing the mind or practices on lessening the focus on physical symptoms? Nothing is helping so far 😦

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    light exercise seems to help my anxiety some it really does calm your nerves down...i still have those symptoms you described at 8 months feel that head pressure alot and sometimes in my ears have that nerve pain in my arms and legs my legs do feel weak too at times...i also went through a phase of being super panicky just like you and couldnt control it honestly i dont remember when it went away but all i could do was do something to try and get your mind off of it i know its hard it literally felt like an adrenaline rush in my body but doing something like meditating,light yoga,going on a little walk it really does help or journaling and coloring when you arnt at work definitely rest when you can and i noticed eating healthier stuff doesnt get rid of things but eating junk and sweets will make you feel worse...the anxiety that comes with it is awful ive been through this phase i wanted to let you know you arnt alone brittney and i hope these tips help you out some! im praying for everyone on this forum its insane what this virus does to your whole body

  • Posted

    Hi there, I just wanted to encourage you to hang in there. I had mono in 2015 and it is something you don't forget. I remember the panic and anxiety were so bad plus I had terrible insomnia that I asked my doctor for a sleeping pill. It helped tremendously and seemed to help ease the anxiety even during the day. Of course, rest as much as possible, take vitamins and try and eat well. It just is a relentless, terrible virus that runs its course. It feels as though it will never end, but it will, I promise. Exercise never helped me as I was too exhausted. I also was not able to work for 3 months due to the exhaustion, anxiety and weird physical symptoms. A true nightmare. I hung on with a prayer, but I made it and so will you! Be strong, you will survive 😃 I will pray for you!

  • Posted

    Hi Brittney,

    Oh I do empathise as I had such a tough time mentally and emotionally when I went through mono too - it is very normal to go through that Brittney with it because it's such a horrible, intense and stubborn virus and the way it can drag on for a while. I wish there was an easy answer!

    First thing of course that's important is that you're not overdoing things at work. It's so important that if you are exhausted or feeling so unwell that you take some time out, I know it's easier said than done with a lot of people's work situations but I would definitely advise to put your health first and this virus definitely does need proper rest and to remove stress as much as possible to help during recovery.

    In terms of things to help with anxiety and panic, I have recently found mindfulness as something that can help - just listening to some relaxation / mindfulness type videos on YouTube. Also if you can do something to distract your mind each day, something that you enjoy that doesn't take a lot of energy, it doesn't have to be anything big just even be watching fav tv show, reading, having a bath, listening to music, going for short walk, just something that is a bit of 'you' time, and it's also good and important to keep seeing friends / family too / people you trust, it can help lift the spirits too it's so hard dealing with this alone - but of course it's all about finding a balance too as you don't want to overdo things I know.

    Hang in there Brittney - things do and will get better with this virus - it just takes a bit of time sometimes unfortunately, but you will get there. Praying and asking God for help is definitely a no.1 on the list of things you can do, God is the great healer.


    • Posted

      Thanks Brittney, I appreciate your kind words too. If you could keep me in your thoughts / prayers that would be a great help too as struggling myself right now with terrible hip pain.


    • Posted

      Thanks Brittney - that really means a lot. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers too, still believing that God will heal you and get you through this awful time and bring you back to full health again. Praise God for that.


  • Posted

    sorry about your woes

    how long have you had this/total?

    i am anti drug completely

    but after time dealing with anxiety

    from this evil evil virus

    i had to face taking anti anxiety drugs

    im on lexapro 5 mg lowest dose*

    it helps enough for me to manage the anxiety-

    not totally but just to take edge off

    its ok so far been on it a month

    dont wait

    dont be tortured

    just start on something

    if your body is relaxed more

    it will promote healing

    this virus cannot be mastered or out smarted

    its so horrible!!!!

    healing prayers to you.....

    • Posted

      Thank you! It's been about ten months. I was actually doing okay until I had a minor surgery and now I have a horrible relapse 😦

    • Posted

      youre welcome


      yea this is so hard

      the games

      the ups downs


      ive had my set backs too......

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