Anxiety.....gone sky high?
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Hi all,
for all that suffer with this u will probably understand......for most mornings now I've woke up woth this as well as the doom and's getting to the point where it's just ridiculous. I've no ides what to do to even just ease just even a bit? Any one hlp me here?!. Doom and gloom is happening everyday what is there to help?
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Guest Shelly0069
I have had depression years ago but this was different....this was a flat bleakness that I just woke up with...and then it would lift. I also had really bad constant anxiety. She offered me an AD but I decided to try and ride it out. I cut out caffeine which helped the anxiety and sweats. I did ok for a while but this month it has crept back and the last 2 weeks I have been waking about 5am just feeling sad. I hope it lifts again soon. The only thing I try to do is keep my mind busy...even if its just cleaning or gardening...because if I dwell on it I feel worse. Also relaxation and meditation helped me with the anxiety.. its hard to do when anxious but it def helps. One other thing I do when really stressed is I put lavender oil on my wrist and inhale always gets me to sleep at night when worked up. I think its just trial and error to see what helps. Take care x
bobbysgirl Guest
Guest bobbysgirl
I agree....its hard to be sad when out in the garden. We are lucky here in Australia....hardly any cold overcast days in qld...when we have one its a treat. Its going to be 19degreesC on the weekend and thats chilly for us. Today was 29degrees and not a cloud in sight. I love this time of the year...all the flowers are coming out and my garden is full of lavender jasmine and frangipani trees. It is my therapy during peri
bobbysgirl Guest
Oh stop rubbing it in!
We are just coming into winter here and it has suddenly started to go cold at night. It has been VERY wet over the last few days. Wish I could hibernate.
Shelly0069 Guest
carol62649 Shelly0069
Hello Shelly,
yes my anxiety is pretty awful, seems to be 24/7 will lessen after eight at night how odd? Ive been told to try various vitamins, Vit b magnesium is another one. I have lavender oil to sniff, mm not sure if snything works for me. Valium in a very low dose and not every day is my saviour, ive never ever had this level of worry before. Can you use deep breathing, breath right down to your belly, hold it then release through your mouth.Do this a few times, challenge those negative thoughts with positive ones. Tell your self relax, i also see a psychologist. Low progesterone can cause anxiety depression. Have you had your hormones checked lately? You are not going through this alone, it is very common. I do hope you and I get through this bumpy ride, we are strong, we are woman! 🌻
Shelly0069 carol62649
Hi carol it's horrid isn't it, I hate it, I used to read the posts back in 2014 when my peri symptoms started and I used to think What is Anxiety, Huh what is that?!!!
Just seems as though it's getting ridiculous !!!!!! With so many more symptoms added to! I'm not taking any vitamins and yes I know I should but with so many symptoms going on I don't think I'd like to many tablets?
Do u understand?
I am on HRT and started that last Tuesday but again it's early say if I'm happy with there process!?. But I wish there was something for anxiety I would defiantly try.......
u take care love and yes the bumpy ride we ride heeee, lol
carol62649 Shelly0069
Yes Shelly i know what you mean about tablets, i have trouble swallowing them and gag alot. I manage powders ok
this anxiety and the weird feelings it produces is really bizarre, i had no idea the whole body can be involved eg twitching, numbness, throbbing in the strangest places, like mmm the bottom!
im in day 8 of bio identical hormones, not sure what to expect!
so we will find out just be patient, take it easy in the meantime Shelly listen to some music, have a walk, breath the air!
anne44931 Shelly0069
You have my symptoms to a t. The anxiety is awful and sometimes I can barely function it's so bad. I find listening to some guided meditation at bedtime helps. You can download from u tube. Good luck and take care x
Shelly0069 anne44931
Hi ann
yep anxiety is definitely 100% horrid.
morning time for me is awful it's horrid, I have been of work for a few weeks and the kids are at school partner at work I've read my kindle and pottered about the house at MY pace......
but soon as they come home from school and work, that it bang goes my peace.......some days are unbearable and I just want to cry,
bobbysgirl Shelly0069
Sorry to hear that Shelly, and here's me having a rant to you on another thread. You don't want to hear that! It is just that up until that 'phone call I was having a good day.
Take some time out to spoil yourself. There must be somewhere in Stoke where you can get a nice back massage - works for me.
Shelly0069 bobbysgirl
Ohhhhh yes that would be heaven,
id take the whole body massage. The tiniest tichiest littlest thing lately sets my anxiety of do u RECCOMEND any Hun?
im officially in peri 17.1 my FSH read 2weeks ago, and just started HRT, femme seven? As I have the coil fitted and that produces ......? So that's why I'm on FemSeven somthing to do with pro.... And est,,,,,,,
kim74983 Shelly0069
yup been un since before 5 am fighting it off. trying not to take low dose xanax. its horrible. have it everday, can barely leave house and function. when something coming up i find myself dreading the event. on sat i started working on living in the moment. taking 1 thing at a time. its somewhat helping. i keep trying to talk myself into.. " ok.. right now im just doing this" i even went out to san diego to visit my daughter uesterday. went to lunch amd thr beach and no xanax
had great time. so happy to have good day. had a few anxious moments but they passed. now i wake up this am and its full force. ugh.. to be 20 again
Shelly0069 kim74983
Hi Kim, I due back to work soon, having had 5weeks off, and I'm most certainly not looking forward to going back, I don't take anything no SSRi anyway.......did take Sertline for 6 months but decided to stop them and months down the line I'm back to square one!!!!!
ive just started HRT so I'm going to ride this out and see how I go with this!!!
Rhino2015 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly, mornings were really bad for me before my HRT kicked in.
I could not get motivated, was not excited or enthused about anything. Tried to put on a brave face for my family, but it was killing me and although I would never have done anything stupid I felt like 'out'.
Mindfulness meditating and breathing/tapping were good took my mind of myself and got me dressed and ready to work. I hated every second of myself. It is the most horrid, hopeless situation to be in
I feel very deeply for you. Keep your mind busy with you tube clips surrounding your old interests, cooking, gardening, travel it will help pass the time you are feeling very low.
Keep us posted, there is much on this topic in other meno/perio questions.
Loui xx