Anxiety help!!!!!
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i have had major physcial symptons of severe fatuige and weakness just feels like im going to die i cant take much more i'm so scared and have a fear of sepis and cancer really cant take much more please help!
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jan34534 jade19938
is it just the fatigue and weakness that you were feeling? If so, those symptoms are very common with anxiety and also depression. Anxiety takes a huge toll on the body and that’s where the fatigue and weakness come from.
Have you had a recent visit to your doctor? Your doctor can do other things such as bloodwork because sometimes people have an underactive thyroid, etc.
if you had sepsis, you would have a fever and be really sick.
The thing is when we just let our mind go, it will come up with all kinds of things that will scare us but most of what we think is illusion and not going to happen.
There are so many more non-serious reasons why you could be fatigued and tired and weak. Anxiety and stress are at the top of the list.
make an appointment with your doctor to get things checked out. There’s nothing worse than sitting around and worrying about everything. To me that’s worse than just going to the doctor to get a clean bill of health. If you have a history of anxiety and or depression, or have been through a lot of stress lately, those are most likely the reason for how you’re feeling’re going to be OK. Just try to relax your mind and don’t go to the negative because it will scare you for no reason. Stay busy and take care