Anxiety in bed
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Hi lovely ladies,
I have had a few weird experiences on going to bed and trying to sleep, which is totally impossible these days that I seem to need to take deep breaths and get panicky. This is one of many symptoms with this horrid menopause. I generally don’t feel myself and haven’t in a
Long while. Does anyone else suffer with nighttime anxiety? I read a lot of you tend to suffer in the morning. Please any advise appreciated.
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Guest julie34068
jennifer85442 julie34068
Madracquel julie34068
Guest julie34068
Hi Julie, I had that nighttime anxiety a few weeks ago, thought it was due to the change in progesterone cream, but who knows? I couldn't breathe, and I just kept telling myself to ignore it. It was rough. Overall I don't get as much anxiety as I used to when all this bs started.