Anxiety in Menopause
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amy05647 amber1620
amber1620 amy05647
Hi thanks I've not heard of them can you get in UK?how long do you take them for?
tina00239 amber1620
marlene21102 amber1620
Go and get some Bach Rescue Spray , you can buy it on line or chemists shop/ supermarket . Spray on your tongue cost £9 . Go look it up . Anxiety / Menopause can go on for sometime ,as will depression . Get your thyroid checked out and your Vit levels , that will cause anxiety in meno yrs .
amber1620 marlene21102
Vix72 amber1620
I went down th erabbit hole of anxiety help last year and ended up believeing i needed to go to a private facility for help. That was after Dr's told me I needed AD and then sleeping pills...I now know that it was their medications that truly ruined everything. It has taken me many months to come back form utter hell. There is anxiety and then there is anxiety...try to ride it out - tell yourself its just a hormone a little bit jumpy and that the process you are in is natural. The more we feed it the bigger the beast becomes. You cannot go back to who you were before this experience as that is the nature of life. But you can choose to move forward without going down those bloody horrid nightmarish rabbit holes. Well, at least that is what i wish someone had told me...
Nixy Vix72
Can you explain a little more about your type of anxiety and how the AD affected you?
I’m 46, recently came off hrt and feel not too bad. However, long before I even started HRT I’ve had this nagging thought that maybe life would be better on AD. I’m just a sensitive person, often suffer a little anxiety and a bit of a negative thinker ! I have tried them in the past a few times, but couldn’t sleep, they reduce R.E.M. sleep and I’m not a great sleeper anyway, so decided to stop. I would just like to know how the AD affected you x
mauiblue amber1620
Hi Amber
where does one begin? I must say that i wish i knew. Did you have anxiety prior to menopause or is it new?
Our endocrine system is going through a rewiring if you will. This is what learned thus far. We are no longer producing the sex hormones and so our adrenals are working harder to keep everything going, this is why hormone related issues crop up at this time.. thyroid, adrenal fatigue etc.
There are soo many things to choose from i wish i could help you with the right one. I would take it myself, but i suffer chronic anxiety now for about a year since ive fallen into menopause, and not found a fix. Antidepressants didnt work for added weird to already weird..if that makes sense..
I think that supporting the adrenals will help with anxiety.
Some womens nervous systems get more taxed than others. There are a lot of helpful women on this forum..let me know when you find something that works !!