Anxiety in the menopause
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Good morning ladies
I have just signed up to this site and I already know it's going to be a massive help in this long journey of ours!!
I was just wondering whether anyone else suffers from anxiety due to hormonal changes in the menopause. I have been period free for the last 6 years now and thought that was it - I had got through with no problems!! I was wrong.
About 6/7 months ago I started having panic attacks and found it really difficult to work and go shopping etc as I found I was panicking at the slightest thing. I was also bursting into tears for no reason but didn't really feel depressed, just tearful. I carried on and then my father went into hospital for a week (thankfully he was absolutely fine) but after that really stressful week of worry my anxiety seemed to really take over. I had 5 weeks off work and ended up taking Sertaline and HRT!! I struggled through the side effects of the Sertraline as I wanted to feel better and get back to work. I do feel so much better and am now back working but I still feel anxious particularly in a morning. It is nowhere near as bad as before but its this morning anxiety that I really hate. I am fine by about 11 am but still get anxious if I have to make any major decisions or if one of my elderly parents gets ill.
Does anyone else feel this way? I don't think I am the only one!! I am sure it is hormonal/menopause based anxiety as I have never had it before and, even though I no longer have periods, each month I still get very bloated and get low stomach pains/dragging sensations. This is when my anxiety gets worse around this time for a couple of days and then it seems to let up a little.
Any one in the same boat please?
Thanks ladies and happy Wednesday to you all xx
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shelley10976 lesleysharp1966
Hi. This sounds a lot like me. It's been 5 years since I had a period and anxiety started in September. Unbearable at times, panic attacks, I hate everyone and everyone is dying. I just found out the b12 I was taking was causing me to worry more than usual as well. My doctor is not supportive so happy to have people like you to talk to. I walk every day and eat healthy but no medication so far. We are in this together.
lesleysharp1966 shelley10976
Hiya Shelley. Like you I walk every day with the dog, go to the gym when I can and am always active. I too eat healthily so it's definitely nothing we're doing wrong - I'm sure!! The Sertaline has definitely helped the panic attacks I have to say but I know a lot of people don't like taking medication. I had to take it as I was unable to work and was really unable to function by the time I started on it. It has helped loads though so I am happy to keep on it for a while. My doctor is pretty useless too (and she is a woman!!). To begin with I think she just thought I was an axious person but since then I have explained to her that my anxiety is worse around the time when my period should have been due - I am still getting the symptoms but not the periods so I'm sure my hormones must still be all over the place. I think she now accepts that it is hormone related but it would be much easier if doctors just accepted the problems the menopause causes us unlucky ones!!
shelley10976 lesleysharp1966
Lotti1966 shelley10976
1966 also😉
maria76995 lesleysharp1966
Hi Lesleysharp, I can relate to your symptoms when I started perimenopause I did get the panic Attacks and Anixety I'm now better but still going through it because I have not finish completely yet so I can't speak for when they do stop...but what I can tell you is that between perimenopause and menopause I learn the symptoms are the same does continue for quite sometime, I know it's not nice but you will get better with time, I have been on Setraline for 6 months and I stop it because I think it was making me worst and then I went on to taking HRT for three weeks and stop that too as I'm so afraid to be on such a powerful drug which throw up so many side effects, but if it's working for you I'm glad...menopause is temporary and will calm down when we reach Post Menopause well I hope
like I tell people on here to keep the mind busy we just have to keep smiling through this horrible time.
debbie17569 lesleysharp1966
Ive thought about the menopause and mentioned it to the doctor. Im 48. He said he didnt think it was that because I am still having regular periods. But cant you still have regular periods when you are peri menopausal. Sorry for being thick but google just gives you all sorts of different information!
I also wake up with it in the mornings and find it hard to get rid of but by evenings im ok. Ive been put on citalopram, for two months now, but apart from two great weeks, ive gone downhill since my period started which was a month ago so am due another one shortly. Doc has even given me diazepam to help when i feel really bad but even they sometimes do not help! x
maria76995 debbie17569
Hi debbie, yes with perimenopause you can have regular periods and experience panic attacks and all the full menopause symptoms to go with it, the Doctors I think don't want to tell you anything but sometimes I wonder if they don't tell you because it would scare us, might not be a good idea my mum never mention nothing about the menopause she try denial instead
you be ok it won't kill us just frighten us.