Anxiety is crippling
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Hi, this is my first ever post, since i was small i have always had some form of anxiety, but for the most part I was able to deal with it or hide it, but the last few years its been getting increasingly worse, my eyesight goes weird, i cant swallow, my stomach is on knots, all the time, i am on medication and things have improved but today I dont feel good at all, I just wish it would go away, i hate it. thanks
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jan34534 ruth69838
hello Ruth. I also have had anxiety since childhood. so I completely understand what you are talking about. it’s one of those conditions that no doctor or scientist have been able to find a cure for. I am sorry that you are going through a hard time. Have you ever spoken to a counselor? Sometimes they can give you ideas to help manage this.
I know I will most likely have this rest of my life but some other things I do to help relieve it are exercise, listening to meditations for anxiety on YouTube, eating healthy, doing my virtual counseling, staying active and social especially seeing family.
also important is proper breathing for anxiety. Keep in touch and I do hope you feel better soon!
ruth69838 jan34534
thanks for your reply, yes i exercise regularly and try to eat well, my appetite isnt great most days though, i feel trapped, and since Covid the thoughts of being back out and meeting people really bothers me, meeting anyone outside of my bubble is extremely hard, but i make myself do it as i figure the more I am exposed to it the more ill get used to it.
laurie23834 ruth69838
I have not been on this site in over a year, I was on here daily and I felt I needed to go back on to give hope to people.
I suffered with severe anxiety for 4 years. I couldn't step foot outside my home, I couldn't drive, I couldn't work. I tried everything including anti anxiety medications. then I spoke to a friend that told me you need to let God heal you. I had doubts about God healing me but I had no other choice, I was in a bad place. every morning I started by getting on my knees and sincerely asking God to lead me to my healing. God led some amazing people to me that set me free. I learned that no matter how hard it is you have to keep living your life. I would pull over in the middle of the road or go to the restroom during my lunch hr and cry because I felt like I was going to die. I kept at it, if someone invited me out I would go and sit through the horrible feelings but I did it, then I very slowly started weaning of my medications with the help of my Dr. I knew this would make me feel worse but I needed to do it. all along I held on to God.
I continue to live my life even though I felt horrible. 2 years into this way of life I started noticing I was forgetting the foggy minded, the feeling out of body experience were fading. I continue praying to God and here I am today no meds no anxiety. Thank you God.
laurie23834 ruth69838
I have not been on this site in over a year, I was on here daily and I felt I needed to go back on to give hope to people.
I suffered with severe anxiety for 4 years. I couldn't step foot outside my home, I couldn't drive, I couldn't work. I tried everything including anti anxiety medications. then I spoke to a friend that told me you need to let God heal you. I had doubts about God healing me but I had no other choice, I was in a bad place. every morning I started by getting on my knees and sincerely asking God to lead me to my healing. God led some amazing people to me that set me free. I learned that no matter how hard it is you have to keep living your life. I would pull over in the middle of the road or go to the restroom during my lunch hr and cry because I felt like I was going to die. I kept at it, if someone invited me out I would go and sit through the horrible feelings but I did it, then I very slowly started weaning of my medications with the help of my Dr. I knew this would make me feel worse but I needed to do it. all along I held on to God.
I continue to live my life even though I felt horrible. 2 years into this way of life I started noticing I was forgetting the foggy minded, the feeling out of body experience were fading. I continue praying to God and here I am today no meds no anxiety. Thank you God.
laurie23834 ruth69838
I have not been on this site in over a year, I was on here daily and I felt I needed to go back on to give hope to people.
I suffered with severe anxiety for 4 years. I couldn't step foot outside my home, I couldn't drive, I couldn't work. I tried everything including anti anxiety medications. then I spoke to a friend that told me you need to let God heal you. I had doubts about God healing me but I had no other choice, I was in a bad place. every morning I started by getting on my knees and sincerely asking God to lead me to my healing. God led some amazing people to me that set me free. I learned that no matter how hard it is you have to keep living your life. I would pull over in the middle of the road or go to the restroom during my lunch hr and cry because I felt like I was going to die. I kept at it, if someone invited me out I would go and sit through the horrible feelings but I did it, then I very slowly started weaning of my medications with the help of my Dr. I knew this would make me feel worse but I needed to do it. all along I held on to God.
I continue to live my life even though I felt horrible. 2 years into this way of life I started noticing I was forgetting the foggy minded, the feeling out of body experience were fading. I continue praying to God and here I am today no meds no anxiety. Thank you God.