Anxiety issues stillz
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Everyday I feel very overwhelmed and stressed and I always make myself panic. I am also very scared to die and i always think I am going to, the slightest chest pain I feel I immediately think I am having a heart attack and I will die and having a heart attack is probably one of my biggest fears. I am just scared to live my life but I am scared to die too it makes no sense. Please help me, my mind never shuts off I even don't like going to sleep anymore
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meghan49196 Irish1124
sorry your going through this. I know exactly what your going through, i suffer the same. I get chest pains all the time, heart races the majority of the day and i get a heavy chest along with a million other symptoms. I've had a chest xray, bloods, 2 ecg's all completely normal. People tell me not to panic, how can i not panic when everything i get is symptoms of a heart attack? i too for a while dreaded bedtime, i was terrified to go to sleep. It's literally now a case of coming to terms with your anxiety, learn how to control it, know that everything that happens to you whether its with an attack or on a daily basis it cannot harm you (easier said than done of course). Your alright and you are not dying, your mind makes you think you are but are not!! Breathing techniques help calm my heart rate, breathe in for 4, hold for 2 and out for 6 or whatever you can do but always breathe out more it really helps! i pray you find peace with this x
sammy78408 Irish1124
This is exactly how I will feel sometimes whenever there is something slightly wrong with me, I start freaking out like crazy. Anxiety can definitely trick you into thinking your life is in danger, when actually you're still here and doing just fine. Don't let anxiety trick you into thinking negative thoughts. Distract yourself with something to get your mind off of things. Anxiety can cause so many symptoms out there that you would be surprised it can do. It's stressful and hard to cope with it, but believe me, you will be okay. Try some meditation vids as a guide for help or spend time with friends and family. I hope this information helped you. Take care.
jan34534 Irish1124
you could go get a check up at your doctors for peace of mind. They could do an ECG and that would let you know that your heart is OK. Once you get a clean bill of health, then you need to try and relax and live your life. Millions of people with anxiety think they are having a heart attack and the vast vast majority of them are perfectly fine. especially if you are young you are most likely very healthy.
Anxiety can mimic serious conditions and that’s why people think something is seriously wrong. basically what happens is that adrenaline is released which causes a lot of those symptoms. It’s not dangerous and it eventually wears off.
By you worrying and panicking that’s going to cause the symptoms to stay around.
When you lay down to sleep at night, turn on a relaxing sleep meditation for anxiety. There are hundreds on YouTube! I listen to them and I always fall asleep before it’s over. That’s the only way I can get to sleep aside from taking some melatonin .
And remember your heart is automatic it’s not going to stop. You can truly relax about that! Just calm yourself down before you go to bed so just take a nice warm bath and do some great breathing exercises which you can also find on YouTube.
for Panic there is a great short meditation where she guides you through that feeling and it works great! Search for something called stop panic attacks now, then scroll down to one called don’t panic. It’s in black bold letters. It works great! you are going to be fine so don’t waste your life with this worry. Worry and fear are not based on fact. Take care
Irish1124 jan34534
I have been checked out ekgs blood test but for some reason I am having trouble accepting it. they always say I am fine but I find myself running to the er over and over again and it's getting pricey and I'm just tired of living with this fear all the time it's everyday all day.