Anxiety just won’t quit after starting new job.
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I started a new job 2 weeks ago and im suffering constant anxiety with it. ive only been in for 5 days in the past two weeks so ive not been able to really learn the job. Its quite intense role with a lot of responsibility and i just feel so out of my depth. im due back in today and i feel sick, my stomach is twisting, i feel tearful and have had thoughts that i want to quit but cant as i have a mortgage. People have told me this is normal and after a few weeks once ive settled in and learnt how to do the job, this feeling will go but i just feel trapped at the moment and that im going to fail. That imposter syndrome sneaks in, telling me im going to fail. I just want this feeling to go away!! i want to climb under my duvet and let it all go away!
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jan34534 Aaron1912
i’m very sorry you’re going through this. I know the feeling exactly. I’m sure I am way older than you and one thing I have learned in life is that I am capable of Waymore than I ever thought. I was always the wallflower and hated going to work feeling like everybody else could do the job way better than me.. but once I started seeing how other people were not quite as efficient as I thought they would be., I started realizing that I was not giving myself enough credit. it was all in my head. I was thinking way too negatively about myself. Why don’t you just take one day at a time instead of looking way into the future. Get to one week and see how it goes then take one day at a time and get to two weeks. See how you feel after three or four weeks. There’s always that learning curve in the beginning. Don’t leave the company until you find other work. But it’s always an option to find something else if you are that miserable. find something else a little less stressful even if it’s less pay. As long as you can pay your bills. You can always keep looking for the right fit. Take care of yourself your health is most important.
Aaron1912 jan34534
Thank you for this reply. The issue is, i dont like change. My old job was still in the same orginisation but i was there for 9 nine years but knew i needed a change for my own progression. So i went for rhis nee role. so to go from a job where i knew everything and what i was doing, to this new job where its completely different and yes, i am struggling, there is alot to learn and take on and theres resposibility. My new team seem nice but where i like to know what im doing, i now dont. literally feel anxious, sicky feeling... driving into work is a real challenge and i find im so emtionalal. my partner is understanding but theres only so many times he can tell me im going to be ok. i dont want to go on feeking like this x
Craig2211 Aaron1912
Hi mate,
I know exactly how you feel, I've been through the exact same thing in the past. It's an awful feeling & because we spend so much time at work, it's not something that you can just ignore.
What I will say, as others around you have said, is it's very early days in your new job. Any job takes time to get used to, and it's perfectly normal to feel out of your depth at this stage. I'd say give it a good 3 months before even contemplating finding something else job wise. You may find that gradually your anxious feelings will wear off and you'll feel more comfortable - if this happens, then great.
If you find that things dont improve, then you leave the job & do something else. No job is worth making you unwell. Worst case scenario in all of this is you find a new job. I ended up walking out on a job in a place I hated, high pressure environment with people I could'nt stand, and it was the best thing I ever did. It was liberating albeit also frightening. I moved into a new career because I had given my old job time & came to the conclusion that my old career path wasnt the one for me.
I still struggle with General Anxiety, but work doesnt contribute much to my anxiety any more.
Like I said I know how you're feeling at the minute, and it's an horrendous feeling, but just know whatever the final outcome you'll look back on all of this one day in a much better place.
Hang in there & good luck. Keep us updated
Aaron1912 Craig2211
Thank you for your reply. So its been 2 weeks since i posted this, things are not better and ive spoken to my supervisor about my worries. She said she would fight for me as believes i will be good in the role, however, mentally i dont think this is the role for me. If it was a case of "i dont know if this is for me" i would wait it out, but the role is so much more than i thought and i have the decision to go back to my old role if i want to. I said i would give it to mid May to see if i felt better, but everyday has been the same as in, ive been sick, panic attacks and its taking its toll on me and my personal life. im on anti depressants now also. Im on a late shift today and ive decided im going to go and talk to my supervisor and say to them that i know i said id give it a little longer but ultimately i cant go on feeling like this. i was good at my old role and enjoyed it. i just pray they let me go back to my old role because i cant go on feeling like this.