Anxiety makes me look repulsive with water retention

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I've been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, but I don't think that's the end of it. I've got a bunch of symptoms that can't be explained by simply 'anxiety' such as really strong mania at times of stress, really weak urine flow which causes me to retain water and ultimately look absolutely disgusting. My face changes from week to week but 95% it's stuck on blow-fish mode. It's so bad I can notice the difference in how people, especially women treat me when I'm retaining water.

Again, I had perhaps more concerning symptoms besides anxiety, at one point I had really bad delusions, couldn't sleep or eat and had a burning sensation at the back of my head. I was feeling like I was mentally receding into a child, not to mention the mental pain with it. I felt like I was literally dying, but even though those symptoms are not completely gone, it is only the water weight that bothers me. It's so bad that I am unable to leave the house at times. I would rather be in pain than spend another minute looking like a circus exhibit. There were times where I didn't eat for whole days, only finger-licking sugar and those were the times it was the worst, so clearly, it is not fat. I also had my cortisol measured via saliva and it is normal.

Thank you to anyone who read this, but please don't bring up the topic of 'body dysmorphia' because I simply know that is not the case, and some of you do discredit the person's experience with whatever they are struggling by brushing it off as 'it's just in your head'.

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    do you think it maybe body dysmorphia or its in your head. sorry lol but hope it made you laugh a little. i know alot of medication can cause this issue. do you know if the meds you are on relate to water retention? Also a bad diet can also cause this to happen.

  • Posted

    I'm no doctor, but it seems your symptoms are driven by the panic that something is wrong with you. This post is exactly that. Sometimes it helps to know you're ok and everything will be fine. days without eating is caused due to being very anxious and then the symptoms probably make you more anxious... sit back and get a massage and relax. By the sounds of it, doing this may eliminate your symptoms, but like i said i'm not a doctor

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