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hi all

i have posted a couple of times of this site and I am just probably looking for a little comfort.

Partial hysterectomy 6 years ago due to having large fibroid, last year around mid January had health anxiety about my right hand side, kept thinking something was wrong but eventually after taking anti depressants for a few months and diazepam for around 2 weeks I returned to normal - if there is such a thing! 

I decided at the end of November 2017 to try hrt (Elleste Solo) due to feeling I needed to pee all the time however come mid January 2018 I began to get discomfort in my left breast, after consulting the dr and a breast consultant (privately) both said nothing amiss with my left breast but again I began to worry and have ended up coming off hrt and I am currently back on citalapram also taking diazepam when required, although the dr was reluctant to give me diazepam. 

I do work out and lift weights however I had an awful night last night waking up sweating, heart pounding and felt sickly most of the day and cannot get my brain away from thinking I have something seriously wrong especially with my left breast although I have to say I think I feel a heaviness in my right breast today, along with my breasts being itchy also under my arm! 

This is really getting me down and I just wondered if anyone out there had any words of advice, I think my symptoms are partly health anxiety and partly menopause.

thanking you.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ali..

    I had the same op as you. I have the peeing at night and other similar symptoms. The heart too and get head ache also. Lots of aches and pains and like you I thought there was something more wrong. I also get bad neasua. The constant worrying and obsessing about how you feel has also been part of my journey... I'm on the road from 4 to 5 years now and it's been up and down. Its frightening as the symtoms come out of the blue but lots of women have these symptoms. I'm too on elleste solo 2mg but I still get headaches, palpations, peeing and Anxiety but I know it's part of t he course. I hope this helped and you don't feel alone in your journey. Hang tight. CK

    • Posted

      Thank you for you reply CK just keep thinking I am going mad and just needed some comfort knowing it’s all part of the menopause and I will get through this crap time.
  • Posted

    Ali its all menopausal symptoms ,every last one of them ,rarely it's anything else . The anxiety screws ones life up a lot . Hormones are up and down ,like your on a piece of elastic . Try and always see a female Dr who's likely to be in meno herself ,she is your best go to Dr . I tell my own daughter this . Do what you've got to do for yourself ,you alone know how rotten your feeling .Have you seen what Jaynee jay put up ,look at her listing to all symptoms your describing . Jay was a former nurse . The brain is a strong organ . Logic goes out the window believe me and will and can run riot . If you need Diazapam etc , then that's for you short or long term ,we're all different when hormones are in play . Yes Ali i to have meno anxiety plus other stuff womens troubles as its called . Learn as much as you can Knowledge about meno is your power over it . Hope you feel better it's not easy by any means . 

    • Posted

      logic sure goes out the window with one part of your brain saying it’s health anxiety/menopause the other just panicking and making you so much doubt that something is wrong.
    • Posted

      Your be okay Ali ,it's hard to get your head around all it throws up ,pains aches  even IBS women go on to get ,and thyroid probs can raise its ugly head . Yes had this to since post meno began ,having ng to watch everything I eat ,never had issue before . Some thing new it can be everyday ,again what hormones can do . I developed tinnitus and Sinisitis hey all hormones in meno . Keep busy as best you can . With anxiety I do keep noise around me ,say like radio or TV even if it's in the background it will take your mind away from anxiety with luck . No your not going mad ,women will say the same . Some go through this relatively quickly ,we're all different .if you can get out and have a walk ,that's a good relaxer if anxiety high . I use to go out walking 2 hours a day at the start ,even in the rain . Walk the adrenalin out that's built up ,as day passes it will back off and give you bit of respite . I've noticed this for about 4/5 each month my anxiety is on overload . I can sense it ,wether that's when I would have been having a period is and has been my guess , then after those days have gone ,the anxiety will wilt down ,not go but will drop somewhat .Try not to overthink things . All in this boat together Ali x  

  • Posted

    Health anxiety is terror. I also have it. When one issue resolves then a new one rolls in. Super focused on every sensation etc. I do believe a lot had to do with Peri or post menopause, but a little is also just us. I am in a place where I want off my "happy" pill. Which is Xanax .5 once a day. I highly recommend a few sessions with a really good psychologist for both CBT and mindfulness. I now meditate using guided meditation from two Apps, every single day. It really does help. I gave all my yearly mammos as well as ultrasound of breasts, blood work, gynie, etc. As much as it freaks me out to go to all these, I do it. It is an ongoing process. When we stop hating our anxiety, it gets less bothersome but it takes time, patience and practice. Start today. Go find a good guided meditation and do it. Keep looking till you find ones that you like. Xx

    • Posted

      thank you for your help. I got an app and was using it the other evening it has Cnut and mindfulness on it so will keep trying to re train my brain into happier thoughts and to stop this panic which as you all know is truly awful. X
    • Posted

      Yes it must be daily. Takes time. Acupuncture also. But again, you need weekly sessions for at least ten times.
  • Posted

    Hi Ali, I think you know exactly what is wrong with you, probably nothing! This change we go through can play total havoc with our thought process and because of the anxiety we suffer every little ache or pain becomes a serious health problem when in 9 out of 10 instances its nothing. You have been examined and nothing was found. Have you thought of natural hrt? Maybe that would suit you rather than the synthetic kind. If not have you sorted out a good menopause vitamin supplement? That may help you. At least your dr has recognised your need for some diazepam which alot of drs wont give out even though it helps so many women going through this nightmare. And you are also on an antidepressant which is good because you have managed to hold on to reason. You know that most of this is just in your mind because of the hormones playing their tricks. Hold on to that and tell it to yourself every time that you start to feel anxious. I am exactly the same as you. I have had bad health for years and due to this blasted menopause the slightest twinge becomes a serious health problem and my imagination starts to work overtime. I am blessed with a dr who is also my friend so luckily if I start to feel anxious about something he sends me for tests straight away to put my mind at rest. Try and do the same if t
    • Posted

      Sorry fone playing up. Try and do the same if the dr you see is one who has empathy and understanding so your mind will be put at rest over any health worries you have. Keep positive and just firmly state your case to the dr and insist you are not happy due to the way your breasts are feeling and you want a 2nd opinion from another dr if necessary. DONT LET IT GET YOU DOWN! I'm sure you will be ok but this process makes us paranoid and neurotic. And we panic at the slightest thing. I hope what I have said has reassured you that you are not alone in either the breast feelings or the constant niggle in your mind that something serious is wrong. Big hugs to you xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Tina really appreciated your message and although you do not want people to be in the same state as yourself it is comforting to know I’m not in this alone and others have the same anxiety and worries as I do. I’m going to try and look for natural hrt I’m not sure if just the reading of the hrt leaflet scared me and my mind was working overtime or just a combination of all sorts.

      thanks again. 

      Hugs and best wishes 


    • Posted

      Same to you Ali, I really hope that you find something to help you through this soon XXX
  • Posted

    Honey, you sound like me. I have missed four days of work this month because of depression. My doctor changed me to Prozac because I told her my Trazodone wasn't working. Well, my bad it was working, I had just hit a blip. Some days I feel wonderful and like anything great could happen. I have health anxiety. I was sure they would find. something in my mammogram because I had a weird feeling in my breasts. They found nothing thank God.

    ?The doctor did give me Valium, and told me to take Evening Primrose Oil, and to dance(yes dance, she said it helps with depression).  It's been very cloudy here lately and I had started taking vitamin D3 and felt better but my stomach was upset so I stopped taking it, but I think Prozac was making me ill.  I'm trying to fine the right combination so I can stop feeling so low. Hang in there. You are not alone.


    • Posted

      Thank you Juanita I had a good day today, yesterday was horrific! Just need to get my head round the fact this is all anxiety and I have no health issues - easier said than done but just need to keep trying different ways/tablets whatever it takes and hopefully life will be normal sometime sooner rather than later.

      hugs to you


    • Posted

      It is easier said than done, but as women we manage somehow. I pray a lot asking God to help me, so I can be me again. I'm going to start seeing a therapist next week. I will also begin my vitamin D3 again and also Evening Primrose Oil. Hope to start yoga in April. Dr. switched me to Lexapro. I will pick it up but not sure I will take it. I've not had good experience with SSRI drugs. Trazodone is a SNRI. If I decide to take the Lexapro, I will proceed with caution.

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