Anxiety off the charts
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I just turned 50 and have struggled with OCD and anxiety issues on and off for 17 years (or longer). During this time, I managed well with various doses of Paxil. About 7 months ago, I upped my dose, and it did not work, as before. I am in the the thick of perimenopause.... Suffering from debilitating periods, flooding, clotting, etc. I just feel terrible. Is it true that previous mental issues get worse during this time? Doc switched me to Zoloft about 3 weeks ago. Still working up to 150 mg. Not feeling much difference yet. The only thing that gets me thru is Ativan (.5 in morning and night ). And a bit of wine. Doing cognitive therapy and mindfulnes, as well. Moods are erratic....change on a dime. And I am feeling depressed over issues that I was able to control previously. Is this normal ??
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Azzumi Amalie13
Hi Jessebelle...its so normal for things to be exaggerated during peri. I always suffered mood swings with my period but peri took it to a whole new level. My nervous anxiey, depression and anger went through the roof. I would wake up angry or crying and could cry all day. I got paranoid and incredibly frustrated by the tiniest things and i would have obsessive thoughts that nearly sent me crazy. I'm on BHRT now and its definitely helping. I still have some ups and downs but I can manage them and I can go to work and the gym and I feel my motivation slowly returning.
Hope this helps a bit..
brenda88084 Amalie13
First of all, hugs your way! I'm 49, anxiety is through the roof. And the crying! Oh my God. I suddenly had to completely stop any caffeine due to the increases anxiety and have started on a med that I feel is slowly beginning to work its magic. Feel free to message me if you need an ear. ?? Hope you have a peaceful night.
Amalie13 brenda88084
Woo3353 Amalie13
Same age as me (I am 50 in July) what you describe above is exactley how I was last June!!. I am not feeling brilliant some of the time but I managed to get myself back up and can cope relatively well with the fluctuating hormones. Heres what I did.
Started antidepressants - low dose it too about 10 weeks to take effect.
Had a uterine biopsy etc - found out why I bled for 3 months, in my case it was very low thickening in uterus - this helped eased my anxiety kbowing.
Started taking agnus castras, flaxseed oil, evening primrose - these take about 8 weeks to work as the aren't chemical just herbal
Cut out all processed food, I mean ALL i make everything from scratch. Cut out SUGAR use plant based sweetners, reduced Caffeine.
What i believe has really worked is Bio Identical hormone cream, took a month or so but i know when Iam not on it ( you have to have a six day break) this could be a placebo effect, but I don't care.
Yoga and pilates it really good one good thing about antidepressants, you are very unlikely to get hot flashes or flushes, just the odd hot feeling every now and again
Keep talking on here if you want to know anymore PM me.
Try to Keep smiling we don't have toogo through this forever
Amalie13 Woo3353
ImagineOneDay Amalie13
Guest ImagineOneDay
I was curious about this after reading your post. Just checking online, it looks like it can play a significant role in anxiety. Is it high enough that there will be a follow-up by your GP or an endocrinologist? I had a hormone that came back at a "high within normal limits" level last year and my gyn decided not to send me to an endocrinologist.
ImagineOneDay Guest
You are absolutely right about endocrinologist Luz. But you know what GP s like. Backwards and forwards and they waist too much time. He asked for another test now if that's also high then he mumbled that he may refer me to the endocrinologist. :0
Guest ImagineOneDay
Yes, they tend to be slow about things. If it turns out that you need a referral, I hope he'll get on with it! Good luck.
Guest Amalie13
Yes, this is all normal, unfortunately. I've had lifelong anxiety issues and perimenopause has just dialed it all up to a higher level. Exercise makes me feel better. I also take flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, vitamin E, and a combined calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement. Woo offers great advice in her post about not eating sugar and processed foods. I do feel better when I eat real food and am working on cutting out junk food. My big situation right now is tackling the weight gain, which has come on mainly from overeating to comfort myself over feeling like things are out of my control. You mention practicing mindfulness and that is something I am looking into as well. I am sorry that you are having a rough time. There is nothing about peri that makes any sense to me but I'm glad we can help each other.
anetta94863 Amalie13