Anxiety or drama queen!?

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I'm 50 in May 2016 and have always had irregular periods but my main concern now is that I have panic attacks and I feel my heart is racing and especially in big places where I need to get out.  I feel jittery and my breathing feels irratic.  Is this a sign of premenapause or am I being dramatic.  Never had them before ...


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Elaine

    no your not been dramatic, I have had the worst panic attack, anxiety attacks and it all started nearly two years ago, my periods were normal at the time, just felt really weird on myself, now two years later having a lot more periods and unfortunately still having panic attacks, but they only come on because of me panicking that I have something serious with a lot of these symptoms, this forum as helped me lots and there is a lot of good advice. I have been taking batch flower drops for anxiety and panic attacks for the last 6 weeks and I have to say, I have had not had one since, it's acompletely natural remedy that doesn't interfere with other meds. I was having massive panic attacks daily up until I got these. 

    Hope you feel better soon, and remember a lot of these feelings are peri / menopause xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Sue I'm new to this website today and value your support.  Where do you get this batch flower drops from hun?
    • Posted

      Hi Elaine

      you get it off the internet, just put batch flower in Google and their website comes up, they also do a remedy for menopause which I started a few days ago, as I haven't needed to carry on with the anxiety one xx

  • Posted

    elaine, these are normal you are not dramatic, i empathise.  what i do is accept these horrible feelings and try and sort of float through them , meaning tell yourself its ok it will pass and i will just float on by.  good luck
    • Posted

      Thanks Debi I value your input and support and good look to you tooxx
  • Posted

    Don't think you are being dramatic,Hun, I have been having major anxiety and panic attacks, mostly at night. Really strange feelings like never before. I'm sure it's a part of meno or peri, we will get through it together.Take Care.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your support sweeheart it is nice to know us galls can all comfort each other ...... 
  • Posted

    No you're not being dramatic Elaine at all. I've said a few times that the name 'panic attack' doesn't do justice for what we go through while having one. They are horrendous. I've said it a few times but one thing that makes mine soar is caffeine, and literally I mean one cup of tea, (coffee's far worse), triggers it off for me so be aware if you drink tea/coffee that it may make the attacks feel worse. As hard as it is, try not to get yourself worked up as this will only add to your fear and panic. I try breathing exercises to regulate my system. It takes time but it does help eventually. Good luck x. 
    • Posted

      Thanks for your much valued advice.  Yep I agree tea and coffee contribute especially since our hormones are super sensistive and working overtime right now.  Will knock it on the head and drink de-caf.  You take care too and your words are ones of comfort and bring me confidence.xx

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