Anxiety or heart problems?

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I've posted here before, and I have taken all the advice I have been offered. The strange part is that all of my previous sympotoms are still present, and even getting worse it feels like. 

Symptoms include:

1. Throat tightning 

2. Tight chest

3. Sharp heart pain

4. Dizziness

5. Nauseated

6. Vomiting 

7. Burping 

8. Severe indigestion 

9. Burning in abdomin 

10. Head pressure 

11. Sharp pain all over body 

12. Excessive tiredness

13. Heart palpitations 

14. Confusion 

15. Sharp random pain in jaw

Like I said in my previous blog, this all started one night and I swore I was having a heart attack or in heart failure. This has been going on since December 2016.  I recently visited my cardiologist for my 30 ay heart monitor results, and they came back weird. When I pushed the button because I felt symptoms, nothing showed on the monitor, be when my heart rate did spike I never pushed it. She said she believes that I might have a form of ventricular tachycardia and also panic attacks.

Here is what I don't understand. Is tachacardia dangerous?? Also, these "panic attacks/anxiety attacks" happen at random even when I am not panicking. I literally feel stillness in my chest and my throat actually tightening to the point I want to call ems. Every doctor/ ER I have gone to have found nothing except for this possible case of tachacardia. 

I am still so lost and I am 21 and all I think about is dying. I'm moving back to school in less than a week and I am not even excited. I am sacred out of my mind. My family can't afford any more tests and doctors and I can't take anymore semesters off of school. I literally only think about death now and when it is finally going to get to that point where my heart stops. I read these blogs and a lot of the stuff sounds like mine, but then I think what if it sounds similar but I actually have heart disease, heart attack, or heart failure. I'm scared,I'm scared, I'm scared.

Someone please help me...

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Optimism is the best way to think for sure! are you taking beta blocker still?I wish there were better answers.This drink sometimes makes me feel better-turmeric-beet powder and cayenne.   beet and cayenne are vasodialators and turmeric and cayennee anti-inflammatory.It seems to help my tightness in throat
  • Posted

    I know this was a while ago, but I have all of your symptoms, plus some! It became so scary to live. Ive had multiple tests for my heart done, but nothing came up and they said I was fine. I just started Zoloft yesterday, and am very optimistic that it will help. Are you taking any meds?
    • Posted


      I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. It is very hard and very scary. But being optimistic and hopeful is the only thing you can lean on!!! I was on Zoloft, but a very low dose and to be honest, it did not help at all. I am on new meds to help with my digestion because that has gotten worse and it also is an anti depressant and it has helped a bit but not much at all. I am still on the look out for any new medication that can help and also other remedies that others have tried that have worked! If I find any, I will make sure I share!!! I wish I had more of a success story to share, but I just try to remain hopeful and positive. I had a weird attack last night where my body suddenly got drowsy and my eyes felt weird. When I checked my heart rate it was pretty at 52. So sometimes there are scary things that I can’t control and I don’t have answers too and things that I don’t have medication for. I’m hoping that the Zoloft works for you, though. Stay optimistic, as that will serve as one of your greatest supporters!!! Cheering for you!!!! 

    • Posted


      hi-I tried that yrs back--it made me feel so awful-almost crazy,with only 1 dose but I know some people like it.One drug I have never tried is lexapro.I am wondering about that one.It has good reviews.Prozac is another.I actually had a prescription of prozac yrs back and was so afraid to become dependant on it .I took it for a few days and nothing happened as it can take a while to work,but then I found if I opened it and dissolved 1/2 of it it in my mouth it worked right away.I cant remember mg.So I eneded up saving them for extreme emergencies ,mostly anxiety with depression which happens occasionally

  • Edited

    hey alex i literally have the exact story as yours and i have been seeing so many forums having the same story idk what this is and i am 18 i cant do anything even though my tests were normal. Mine started in night as well i felt the same as you did.Covid19 destroyed my country(India) people and my parents lost there jobs i cant afford an appointment.I wish your health gets better i literally think about dying all the time aswell.My life is already ruined and my parents gave up on me.



    • Posted

      Don't lose hope, nothing lasts forever, not the good times, not the bad times

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