Anxiety or something worse?

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Im prone to physical symptoms from my anxiety but they usually go away within a few days. This time though its stomach issues and its been going on for 3 months now on and off. So prior to this starting I had been having new physical symptoms from my anxiety and i got scared and it was one new symptom right after the other for months then this stomach thing started. My symptoms are all on the left side of my stomach mostly, they do go on the other side as well. Tenderness when pressed near my bellybutton then it started to get lower on my left side but this symptom comes and goes and then ive had more gas than normal and my constipation has been worse lately also comes and goes. Has anyone else had these symptoms and it just be anxiety? I have no insurance and am moving across the country in 2 weeks but once i do move and get insurance if this dont stop im going to get checked out but im terrifed its cancer.

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    there are several reasons it could be other than cancer. In fact it doesn’t sound like cancer at all. I had very similar symptoms to you and it turned out to be gastritis. Which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. I had to take a medication and stay away from acidic foods until it healed. Gastritis can be caused by stress and anxiety. constipation can also cause those symptoms, as well as once again stress and anxiety. There’s a very strong connection between the brain and the stomach and intestines. that’s why we hear about people who are extremely stressed out occasionally having ulcers.

    so try to reduce any anxiety as much as you can. for your peace of mind, if it doesn’t go away just let your doctor know and take it from’ll be OK take care.

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