Anxiety or something worse

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I'm hoping someone can offer advice. I'm a 48 year old male and have suffered anxiety since I was about 20ish. I have health anxiety and numerous phobias. I believe this is all a result of my father being very ill over the years (heart bypasses, aneurysm, guillain barre etc). I have seen a therapist on and off over the years. I haven't seen her for a few years but am starting up again in 2 weeks.

In the past my anxiety seems to take hold after an event. For example after my father recovered from his aneurysm (he had surgery which could have killed him) I got really bad, I couldn't use escalators, couldn't travel on the undergound, had panic attacks at night. I have a phobia of heights, sometimes I struggle even going up a hill without feeling unsteady. I'm a very nervous person as a result of all this. I've seen the Dr many times with various issues all of which have never been serious but I talk myself into them being the worst.

In December I got covid and was laid up for a couple of weeks. At the same time my older brother got it (I think from me) and ended up in hospital on a CPAP machine. Thankfully he recovered but it was touch and go. At the time I was ok but a couple of months later things started to go south. Over the years, very occasionally I've had a brain zap feeling, where it feels like everything moves for a split second, I throw my arms forward thinking I'm going to fall. This happened in March whilst I was sitting at my desk. Since then they started happening daily. Together with that I felt spaced, heavy headed and a feeling that as I move my surroundings take time to move with me. Every few steps I'd take one step felt like it didn't happen. At this time my brother had to have a CT scan to check his arteries as his cholesterol levels were high. Due to family history I thought the worst and started to worry about myself. I run every other day and my running started to become laboured, I started worrying that my breathing was bad etc. I had a blood test (which I worried for about a week prior due to being needle phobic) and my cholestrol came back slightly high so I have been proscribed statins. I then had a calcium scan which thankfully has come back ok. I have also had both my covid jabs but was very anxious especially before the first one.

The zaps and constant spaced feelings seem to have got better over the last couple of days. I wake up feeling spaced and heavy headed but it seems to get better as the morning progresses. I never feel refreshed after a night sleep. The most I get is 6 hours but I have always had bouts of insomnia and take zopiclone to help. I don't take any other meds. This has gone on for 3 months. Since this has got slightly easier I now have tingly and itchy feelings. It started in one foot and now I get it for a few seconds at a time all over..eyelid, nose, hands, feet, back etc. I feel like I want to scratch the itch. The tingling in my feet can last most of the day. But yesterday I was out all afternoon and didn't notice it and then when I got home it came back. At night in bed it seems to get worse, I can also get waves of light-headedness (I call them waves of anxiety). I'm thinking the worst. I've convinced myself that I either have MS or a brain tumour. I'm also scared to see a neurolgist as the idea of more scans really really worries me.

Can you have tingling and spaced feelings for days and it be anxiety. Does tingling and this kind of light-headedness due to anxiety only happen during a panic attack or can it be generalised? Not sure what to think.

Sorry for the long rambling post. I hope it makes sense.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    hi and I’m sorry you are going through this. I just want you to know that I had the exact same symptoms and all mine started when I was in my 20s. im now in my fifties and I’m still here.! YES anxiety can cause random lightheadedness dizziness head pressure , brains zaps, tingling sensation, brain fog etc.

    you don’t have to feel anxious to have these symptoms because many times the anxiety is underlying for some people. They still get the symptoms. you can even get a spaced out feeling.

    There’s no end to the symptoms that anxiety and stress can cause! but they are not harmful.

    we can learn how to control it better.

    I also used to think that I had MS or something else but I didn’t. Every single symptom was due to stress and anxiety over a very long time.

    The symptoms can last for minutes all the way to several months or longer. That doesn’t mean it will happen to you but it’s just so random.

    don’t worry about getting something like an MRI test of the head or anywhere because it’s perfectly safe because there is no radiation. I have had several of those.

    I would avoid getting a lot of CT scans though because they do have radiation.

    all of your unsteadiness is quite common with severe anxiety. I have felt that myself. Try to avoid ruminating about what it could be and all of your fears because that can definitely make the symptoms worse. Worry does absolutely no good but I really feel like what you are going through is severe anxiety and possibly depression. you have been through a lot and it’s no surprise to me the symptoms you are getting.

    what I do is try to relax my mind as much as possible. I focus on the present moment which is very peaceful. The past is gone and the future is non-existing right now. Do things to take care of yourself and relax by doing simple things you enjoy. There are some great relaxing meditations on YouTube for anxiety, sleep, nature sounds, and on and on. I really love one that’s called meditation for stillness. he helps you stay in the present moment and it’s really great!

    just take one day at a time. Eat healthy, avoid sweets and junk foods, get a little exercise, relax your mind. to this day I will get a couple occasional symptoms here or there but I basically ignore them now and they go away.

    Keep in touch if you ever have any questions or just want to chat about it. Take care! ❤

    • Posted

      Think about getting some counseling for the anxiety because it’s really difficult to try to control on your own. It really helps to talk to somebody else who knows how to help.!

      I do online virtual counseling once a week and I look forward to it!

    • Posted

      Hi there Jan.......i hate there is no PM. SO when i see your name i just reply. How are you these days? My anxiety just keeps coming and going. Maybe fine for 3 weeks then lousy for 2 weeks. I feel like i am getting worse instead of better. i can have days where i feel so weak and tired and just cant get things done.i did make an appt with my doctor to see if I could have a few tests done even though i will be so nervous something will be wrong. Cant help thinking this way. Instead of being more positive i am sooooo negative! Do you still get as many symptoms? Why cant I just be normal. Hope to hear from you. ❤️

    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for your reply. I've got an appointment in a couple of weeks to see a neurologist. Also starting up again with my therapist next week.

      I can't seem to get more than 5-6 hours sleep (and without waking up in between) which I am sure is adding to the problem. The last couple of times I've taken Zopiclone I've woken up after an hour and not been able to fall back to sleep again. Thing is I generally feel happy but I'm constantly worried about my health. It effects me the most when I wake up and go to bed. I dread going to sleep now as I worry about not sleeping and feeling the same the next day. A vicious circle!

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