Anxiety overload
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So my aniexty is on overload, everyday I struggle with it but my youngest daughter is going away on a school trip for 3 days, it's the first time she's ever been away from me and I'm struggling at the thought of it, the only things my brain can think of is her getting lost hurt or worse, I know I shouldn't feel like this and I should be happy for her, but I just can't take my mind off the negatives. She hasn't even gone yet and I'm struggling today every time I think of it I feel sick to the stomach and start panicking ?? why can't I be happy for her and not let this bother me x
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maria101 lou-lou
Hi Lou-Lou you are happy for her darling it's just meno Anxiety doing it to you,tell yourself you are even if you don't feel that way OK
Just going through this horrible time daughter will be alright and look forward to her coming back
God bless hugs
marli310 lou-lou
Hi Lou-Lou,
I know exactly how you feel. My only daughter went to overnight camp 2 years ago at age 10 for supposedly 2 weeks! I was in the throes of Perimenopause and not having a good time. I worried myself something awful. She was so homesick today she came home after a week.
Fast forward to today. This coming Saturday she is going away for 3 weeks overnight now that she is 12 and in the older age group. We'll see if she lasts that long. The camp is over an hour and a half away.
I am feeling some anxiety over it as of late, but I've been doing some calming meditations and one that specifically addresses fear. I understand that the she is safe and protected at all times by her angels, God and the Universe for her higher good and that it is out of my hands. There is a plan for her and I can't always be in control. I'm religious, but also very spiritual. I visualize the fact that I need to let go and have her experience life to its fullest, for that is her birthright as it is ours. I will say a protective prayer for her and visualize her bathed in white light and then I will let it go and trust that all will be okay and that life will unfold as it is supposed to. This might sound a little woo-woo to some people and it would have me years ago, but I'm in a different place.
Maybe you could try doing some meditations on fear and trust and letting things go. Do some deep breathing exercises and get a little exercise in to release more endorphins.
She will be fine and safe. Know that. Feel that. O hope this has helped you. Xoxo
Should have said " she was so homesick she came home after a week"
marli310 lou-lou
margaret21458 lou-lou
Put your mind at ease my friend, knowing and trusting that God is with your daughter each and every minute of every single day. Whether she is home with you or not. You will be fine.
The advice on this forum is priceless!
Love all these awesome ladies!
Hugs, Maggie
sue58256 lou-lou
sue58256 lou-lou
sorry pressed enter before I finished I do get anxious before they travel especially in today's world and threats but I ask the angels and god to keep them safe I keep telling my self they have a right to be happy and enjoy themselves that's how I get through it til they get back. Im the same if I go away I miss my kids and grandchildren terribly but I ring them once a day when I've done that I'm ok for the day,