Anxiety: Sertraline
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Has anyone been taking Sertraline? I have been given it for anxiety. But I am reluctant to take it. I feel anxious by looking at the side effects that it may cause. What are your experiences please? I came to a point that I can't tolerate myself any more. Perhaps it is time I try a medication rather than try to cope. It is hard .
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heidiparthena ImagineOneDay
I’ve been on 50mg sertraline (Zoloft) and it has been a lifesaver. Unlike with Celexa, I have had ZERO side effects and I still feel 1000% like myself but without the crippling anxiety. The thing with SSRIs is that you need to find the one that works for YOU. Celexa was a godsend in my thirties and a nightmare in my forties. Don’t despair - try them until you find the one that works or else have the genetic testing done. They WORK. Hugs to you, this is not fun. I hope you find some relief! Xo Heidi
lori93950 heidiparthena
can you tell me a bit more about celexa side effects etc i just started a microdose 5 mg but also have a prescription for zoloft ...was debating which one to take
heidiparthena lori93950
Celexa gave me nausea, dizziness, vertigo, and anxiety that got much much worse. I dutifully stayed on it for the full 12 weeks before throwing in the towel. It worked great for anxiety in my early thirties but had sexual side effects so I went off it and managed anxiety through diet and exercise. About two years ago (I am 46 now), I tried it again and had all the bad effects. So, I went on Zoloft and it has been a miracle. Not one solitary side effect. The first 2-6 weeks with any SSRI are going to be somewhat of a challenge, but it's worth it to stay on them. Zoloft only gave me minor side effects for about a week. Wonder drug for me. xo Heidi
ImagineOneDay heidiparthena
Thank you Heidi. Much appreciated. If you don't mind me asking did it put you off sex?
heidiparthena ImagineOneDay
Not at all! And it did not affect my ability to orgasm. Celexa had that nasty side effect with me. Zoloft is amazing. ZERO side effects for me and excellent at managing my health anxiety and GAD. xo Heidi
kris32828 ImagineOneDay
Hi, I have never taken it but i work with folks who do. Really its just zoloft. You may be more tired than usual. Sick to your stomach ect.. the first couple of weeks. That will clear up and is a sign the medication is working. It really helps with my guests anxiety and PTSD.
ancillas0501 ImagineOneDay
I have been on setraline for about a year. i call it my wonder drug. before my mood swings turned violent. I find it almost as a mood stabeliser and I am so much calmer. Good luck witk everything
heather95200 ImagineOneDay
Hi, I am on my 12th week on 50mg, this med has helped so much with my health anxiety. The first few weeks were quite tough as I got all the side effects, the anxiety did worse before it got better. I was scared of taking it but stuck with it. I feel almost my old shelf. It doesn't take all the meno symtoms away but it has stopped me stressing about them x