Anxiety starts around day 10 of my menstrual cycle...can anyone relate?

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Before I begin I just want to thank you lovely ladies for getting me through year 1 of peri. It's been one heck of a bumpy ride. So I've noticed my anxiety starts around day 10 of my cycle and proceeds until my period comes and then tapers off around the 2nd to 3rd day. Those 10 days though are amazing. Nothing and no one can bother me but once enter the "luteal phase"'s like a danger zone. Anyone and anything set me off. Is this normal for peri?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I wish I knew when to expect the anxiety. I think mine shows up whenever it wants to. I saw your other post too about sharp breast pains. Do you notice them more often at certain times than others? I notice mine get bad around days 5 through 8 of my cycle.
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      My breast pains are all month long no matter where I am in my cycle, so are my hot flushes. It's frustrating.

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      i am on day 22 and having breast pain this month. So no rhyme or reason I guess. I just started waking up with the occasional hot flush around 2 am.
  • Posted

    Mine is the opposite.. starts around day 3 of my period then gradually gets worse until ovulation (day14ish) then tapers off again. I guess it depends what your trigger is.. i.e estragon or progesterone as to when you get the symptoms.. mine has always been estragon but i would just feel unwell rather than anxiety.. now i have both and have done for over  year now. One that i have noticed has changed is the anxiety on waking.. its used to be really bad with palps and some times panic.. that now seems to have settled over the past few weeks. No doubt now ive said that i will wake tomorrow shaking and a wreck sad
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      Yes I listen to meditation music and just sit there while trying to relax and clear my mind. It works the majority of the time but other times a good brisk walk helps as well.
    • Posted

      I suffer from anxiety anyway, however during my period it reaches an all time high, I feel detached, I feel dizzy, I actually feel like I am constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack, its dreadful.I dont even know if I am at the early stages of my menopause, I just thought it was going through another hellish phase of my anxiety..but as I am 49 and over the last few weeks I hav noticed blood streaks in my discahrge, I am begining to think I am.  
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      I think it will be menopause related. I have anxiety tye syptoms too for most of my adult life due to having a condition called Hyper Pots. I also thought it was a relapse of my condition when all this kicked off last year but worse than i had ever experienced it before, but then my periods stopped for 4 months and all hell broke loose. 1 year on my periods did return but im missing months and then having 2 close together ... there is no rythm anymore and this is obvios due to symptoms being all over the place. The weird shakiness is hard to live with.. internal and external ..i feel and look like a parkinsons patient sad  Then theres the doom and gloom feeling and feelings of anxiety and dread for no reason.. often feel on the edge of an anxiety attack too. Its a bit of a knightmare to live through at times. Im just happy for the few days/hours i get where im not sat in my chair shaking.
  • Posted

    Hi Valerie

    Yes I too have noticed lately that my anxiety is awful from day 10 through to when my period comes then usually tapers off after a couple of days! Then like you say I'm good for 10 days then bang more anxiety! I just try to be mindful when it's happening and do meditation and have acupuncture which I've found helps a lot! The doctors still tell me I'm not peri because my bloods are normal and I'm only 41 but all my symptoms are associated with my hormones! It's a rough ride and I hate it I just want to be normal again! Xx

    • Posted

      Most doctors wont even acknowledge that we may be perimenopausal unless we are in the late 40's to early 50's. It's so frustrating. There is such thing as premature ovarian failure which can cause peri/meno in the 20's and 30's. These mainstream doctors are useless.

  • Posted

    I think we are twins LOL   I have been in peri for a year also and the same bumpy ride.  I have noticed that although my symptoms can be all over the place during the month it seems to me that the "worst" of them happen just after my cycle (which I havent had in 3 going on 4 months) it will start then and last 7-10 days and then seems to taper off.   I am gettting to the point where Im so frustrated over all of this, drives me nuts,   I just like everyone cant wait for all of this to be over with and be a new normal self.    Hugs  smile

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