Anxiety symptoms

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ive been dealing with terribke anxiety and physical symptoms for years and the one that keeps scaring me is the heart fluttering and palpitations. i was stressed and had multiple panic attcaks yeaterday and today i feel drained and i got this feeling of my heart fluttering a lot and sort of like felt like coughing. its hard to explain. ive gotten ekgs done and been told my heart is healthy but ive been scared to get checked bc i get anxiety in hospitals. has anyone ever felt this ?

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    hi there!

    i have been having these for years too! i sometimes go to the ER too. and all the time the test comes out normal.

    recently, due to hard times due to covid, i realise that i need to find a way to cope.

    i tried many things all is trial and error.

    you can try lavendar essentiol oil, chamomile tea or speaking to a counsellor .

    i see that you are a BTS fan☺ try to watch funny videos of them or such to distract yourself.

    • Posted

      awwww thanks for the reassurance ♥ much needed. especislly when everyone thinks in crazy when i talk of these physical symptoms .

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