Anxiety symptoms

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I've had anxiety symptoms that have mimicked heart attack symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, left arm tightness) for a long time. Three times I have gone to the emergency room to be checked by the cardiac unit and three times the heart tests came back negative and diagnosed as anxiety. I don't dispute my previous diagnoses because obviously I'm alive and relatively physically well. Also knowing the nature of my symptoms I don't want to go to the ER every time I have them because that would be overkill. The problem is I always have the thought in the back of my mind that one day I'm going to ignore a symptom because it feels the same as the ones I always have, and it's going to end up being a real heart attack. It also doesn't help that at this stage my doctor doesn't believe I need to be medicated because my condition isn't "debilitating" enough. Is there a really effective way to know the difference?

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    Ah yes, I totally get you! that is the nasty beast that is anxiety.

    I feel awful every day and every day I feel like I will die. I have been to the ER by ambulance and by myself several times.

    It's funny because family and friends (and even doctors) say I should only go when I really feel it's something serious, but there lies the difficult part, when you feel like you are going to die it always feels serious, if not I would not waste my time and the doctor's time, I don't enjoy going to the hospital.

    But if I don't go, I think, maybe this time it really is something urgent and by ignoring it I'm literally risking my life.


    So what I do now is give it a little more time. When I start feeling really really bad, instead of heading to the hospital I call a friend or family member for a talk, they try to talk me down from it. If after that I continue to feel bad I might allow myself to go to the doc. But most times I feel better after about 20-30mins.

    Just keep reminding yourself that you have been tested and everything was fine and if you can, find someone you can call to talk to for a few mins when it happens. I wish you the best!

    • Edited

      im so with you i feel sick everyday all day long i wake up feeling like im dying and go to bed same way only relief i get is when im sleeping. Can i ask what kind of symptoms you have.

  • Posted

    Also, when you start to feel poorly, and can’t find anybody to talk to, listen to panic attack, talk down. You can find many of these on YouTube. They really help a lot and they will calm you down.

    find one ahead of time that you like so that you you are all already in case you start feeling bad again. That way you can just turn it on right away.

    take care

  • Posted

    I've felt like this a few times. But i've felt so ill that i've not been able to get to the A&E

    By then i'm ok again.

    I think you just have to try and ride it out. Tell yourself you will just get told its anxiety.

    Its unlikely to be something else until old age.

    Doesn't stop it being any less frightening when it happens though.

  • Posted

    I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for years and have tried various treatments without much success. However, Normotim has been a game changer for me. Within a few weeks of taking the supplement, I noticed a significant decrease in my depressive symptoms. I felt more motivated, optimistic, and able to handle stressful situations with ease. My concentration improved, and I was able to process information at a much faster speed. I highly recommend Normotim to anyone battling depression and stress

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