Anxiety symptoms that don't go away is this normal?
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Hi. I'm a 24 year old woman. I been suffering from anxiety and anxiety/panic attacks for 2 months now. It's the most scariest thing I have ever experienced in my life. One day I was doing my normal day to day things when suddenly I felt a pressure go to my head as if it were to explode. And suddenly I felt some chills go through my body making me feel weird. And all of a sudden my heart started to race and beat so hard. I thought to myself IMA die of a heart attack. I felt numbness and tingly all over my body. I felt like I couldnt breathe. My body was so shaky. I thought I was going to pass out or something. I felt so cold and my hands were twitching. Someone called the ambulance because they saw i wasnt good. The ambulance came so fast did a quick ekg. Took my bp and said i was having an anxiety attack. I didnt believe them and told them to pls take me to the hospital. The docs told me the same. They took an ekg and said it was normal. Plus the fact that im only 24 years old and it was very very unlikely for it to do with my heart. And that's when it all started. 2 months ago. Now I can't go a day without having at least one symptom of anxiety. I been to the ER so many times and all they tell me is its just my anxiety 😖ive also been to my cardiologist since I wasn't convinced it was just anxiety. They did a echo cardiogram, 24 hour monitor, stress test, and ekgs and blood work. Everything was fine. Only thing I have is arrythmiabut the doctor told its nothing to worry about and it had nothing to do with my anxiety. Other words, my heart is fine. Yet I am still not convinced for some reason. I was at the ER 2 days ago because I felt my heart flutter. Like if my heart skipped a beat or jumped or idk but it felt weird. And they did a chest xray and a EKG. And some blood work to check my thyroid and electrolytes level. Everything came of normal. They took me to speak to a phsyciatrist in the ER and she said I need to see a phsyciatrist and a therapist. I been having on and off symptoms everyday. Mostly chest pain sometimes right in the middle, or on my left side, or on my right or all over. And its driving me nuts. I also have this weird burning sensation like a heart burn. Plus heart flutters at least once or twice a day. I am so scared I can't go out no more. I don't do the things I used to because of fear of getting an anxiety attack outside. I'm afraid to be alone. The other day i woke up all good and everything when all of a sudden i had thoughts in my head saying ima die. Man did those scare the hell out of me. The phsyciatrist in the ER told me that those thoughts are because of so much fear i have inside me due to anxiety. 😢 iam so drained. Iam mentally tired and physically too. My family is so tired of hearing about this. I really don't have no one to talk to. Only one friend but she's always busy. And my boyfriend just doesn't understand. He thinks I'm over exaggerating and tells me to stop it or to snap out if it. As if it were to be that easy. Psshh. I wish. I am not on any meds because I am a paranoid person and very hypochondriac thinking the meds are going to harm me. I have my first physciatrist appointment this Tuesday. I'm hoping I can get over this soon. Because I'm going craazzzyyy. What are your thoughts about this. ANXIETY oh no anxiety? I am still having a hard time being convinced its just anxiety. 😖😖 it feels so physical too especially those heart flutters making me think my hearts going to stop. Ugh please tell me I'm not the only that gets these. I am so scared😱
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jim91722 diana82809
It's the worst feeling ever i get the same thing with alot of other symptoms I have bed ridden for nearly one year I just can not get over it ever since I had my gallbladder removed i feel like im gonna collaspe I feel off balance dizzy brain fog electric zaps bad migranes and doctors says there is nothing rong it's just anxeity and deppression I also lost 25kg in the year hopefully u don't suffer too long as I am still going through this just put in ur head its anxeity and it can not kill u.
tonia_2003 jim91722
You sound like me. I don't go anywhere except to doctors appointments and when I go there my anxiety goes through the roof. I've been like this since July of last year. I woke up one morning and all of a sudden my medication just stopped working and I was in a constant anxiety/panic attack. Went to ER several times and they told me it was anxiety. I have OCD, an anxiety disorder. Either I have already taken the medication my doc wants to prescribe or I can't take it because I have a gene mutation and my liver doesn't process it well. They want me to go on an antipsychotic, but I'm scared of those drugs. I'm getting worse and I don't know what to do. Do you feel nauseous a lot ? I do from burning in my stomach. I feel jittery all day.
diana82809 jim91722
I hear you. Its like I know its anxiety but when all these symptoms come, I'm like uh oh. What if this time its actually something serious? And that's when all these "what ifs" start. I get super super dizzy making me feel like I'm going to pass out. Also alot of headaches. The doctor also reffered me to a neurologist for my migrains. 😩I have lost a lot of weight too because I barely eat. My anxiety disorder has gotten so bad. I literally cannot stop thinking about it. I'll just keep telling myself its just anxiety and that this will pass. I hope you get better soon🙏 Thank you for this.
jim91722 diana82809
harleybabe54 diana82809
Dianna , I am 62 and I had anxiety problems and Panic that turned to agouraphobia since age 19 ! It does go into remission sometimes. You have to realize you do have an illness and it is call Anxiety disorder! 💜 You have been to Doctors had testing and they say you are fine. We that have this tend to Dr hop. But trust me it is not worth your sanity to keep Going to the Dr. Your anxiety will go thru the roof. Your body has a Fight or flight mechanism ! In the early days of man it kept them out of danger. But today it does the same thing when people are in real danger! But our has something wrong with it and it just goes off when there is no danger at all !! The heart beats faster and skips etc because of adrenalin , this causes chemical reactions within the body honey. If you had not seen a Dr . That would of been my first response to you! To see your Dr for check up. But they already referred you to Phychiatrist . That's the best person to see! They will put you on meds to help if need me. Don't be embarrassed to take meds if need be! A person with heart problems takes meds for their heart. People take meds for this illness Anxiety. Everyone has anxiety at some point but ours is a disorder! All the symptoms freak us out and make it worse!! Please do yourself a favor and go buy some good books on anxiety and Panic! Learn to do visualizations , you tube might have some! This helps you to go to a calm relaxing place. Your special place. Lie down and tense your feet then let go ! Do this next to your legs tense then let go. Cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breath, this will help because you might be hyperventilating most likely ! You can hyperventilate with out realizing it!! Plus that alone cause chemical reactions in your body!! When you think of a negative , think right away of a positive! Get post it notes if you have too and write positive things on them. I at one time had them stuck all on my steering wheel of car! Because red lights would panic me! I have a dread of being trapped for some reason. You can live with this and symptoms will go away .. Yes they can come back but it will not kill you. I personally am on Celexa and klonopin. But meds were my last resort! I went into agouraphobia in my forties because panic attacks and anxiety was so bad! Scared to go outside. Please don't Dr hop ! So such a waste of time. Again your illness is Anxiety. Doctors have told you! Today they know what it is ! When I was 19 I never heard of it or anyone speak of it!! I thought I was alone. Doctors then just thought you were a nerotic woman!! Or nerves. I was so happy happy when I found out as a young person this was an illness!! Nuff said. Except it and work on it.. Talk talk talk . But also educate yourself on your disorder👍💜🌹
jmcg2014 diana82809
Yea it's normal,normal for anxiety at least. See a Dr for some help with anxiety, meds, therapy, either or both are typically your choices. Whichever you choose is totally up to you, theres no right or wrong choice
erica34976 diana82809
EVERYTHING you have wrote is identical
To what happend to me just over 3 months ago I am only 31 myself. I unfortunately couldn't cope with out the medication and it has slightly got better to the point I am now able to pop the shop but still struggling to be left alone even thou I've always been a very indipendant person. I no it is easy said than done but you need to try an trust what the Doctours are saying. Hope things get better for you soon
tess33005 diana82809
Hi Diana
You are certainly not the only person who suffers with this.
Your problem is seveere health anxiety, my love.
There's nothing wrong with your heart - you've had lots of tests and they were all normal.
Other people will answer and give you advice on getting back to normal, darling
Love Tess xxx
ron25099 diana82809
Diana, you are having ANXIETY attacks! Trust the authorities!!! But you need the appropriate doctor--find a therapist (psychiatrist), but see if you can get a recommendation for one who knows a LOT
about medication. THAT will be your answer. I've seen this in one person very close to me. After going on the proper medicine, she has been totally FINE! You must NOT diagnose yourself! Recognize the expertise of authorities and trust them!
mackie12135 diana82809
Your having normal anxiety symptoms. It just happens anxiety comes out of knowhwere. When I first started with anxiety in April I thought there was something wrong with my heart. I had all the tests you listed and I was fine. The doc said the same thing 2 me as you 2 young to have heart problems. So whenever I'll feel something with my chest I brush it off 2 anxiety.
Still get headaches and dizziness sometimes. Was told by a doctor it's just anxiety so.
Anxiety is not fun but just try to live your life the best you can. We are all here for you.
zoe162001 diana82809
I'm 16 and I have had an anxiety or panic attack when I was in Germany nearly two years ago and my chest pains have gotten worse each day and won't go away
Rose90234 diana82809
Your post sounds very familiar to what I am going through right now. I started out the same way as you it came out of the blue 4 years or so ago and i had it badly for a few months, and Then it went away for a while up until a few weeks ago. I suffer the same "what if" this is the time I'm dying but I just tell myself "I have a history of anxiety, I have felt this way before, and I was fine" and usually that helps calm me down a bit. as someone mentioned above it will go into remission, and I definitely recommend talking to someone. I talked to a counsellor back when it first started and it sorted me for a few years. Now that it's back on again I'm gonna have to go back. But just know you're not alone!! Apparently there are lots of us dealing with this 😞But at least there are forums like this where we can all chat ?? Hugs and love xox
melanie07724 diana82809
jacqueline93455 diana82809
Hello Diana:
I do have some information that I could share with you on how I was able to ease the symptoms of the exact same thing youre talking about. After I went through a period of easing the symptoms then they just disappeared and I haven't had a panic attack in almost a year I'm not sure if you can private message me on here or not.. it seems when I try to post a link of certain things the moderator will end up deleting my comment