Anxiety tight chest

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has anyone ever experienced shoulder, neck, and upper chest tightness so bad that you think you're dying.? im 18 and have bad health anxiety. im struggling to breathe and keep having panic attacks. im so convinced im gonna die 😢

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3 Replies

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    Hi, I have also had this pressure and had to go to the emergency room like 10 times because i thought i was having a heart attack. It turned out to be panic attacks and each time they do tests or scans they say nothing is wrong with me. I have bad health anxiety to and have been having pains and weakness everywhere and feel dizzy. I have an mri on friday and know there is going to be nothing wrong with me as well. I am only 19 and think i have a neurological disorder because of the weakness i feel and also the pains and dizziness. My doctor says its anxiety and wanted to put me on sertraline for anxiety but it takes a couple of weeks for it to actually work and take out the anxiety.

  • Posted

    Oliver you’re not going to die. None of the symptoms from anxiety or panic are harmful to you even though they feel weird and scary. they are mainly caused by a release of adrenaline which eventually wears off. When you are feeling panicky, it’s important to know how to breathe properly to calm everything down. you can just look under YouTube and search for breathing properly with anxiety. There are hundreds of short breathing meditations that will relax you.

    when you feel like you’re going to panic, search YouTube for stop panic attack now. Listen to it and it will guide you through the attack. millions of people have the same symptoms that you get including myself. Once you learn how to manage the anxiety, things will get better. You can even speak with a counselor who can help you with this. Take care

  • Posted

    Yes I have this. My chest feels tight and like it can't expand completely. It also feels like some heaviness/pressure on the chest. It affects my neck and back too. Every breath requires SO much effort. And I get short of breath very easily. I tried asthma inhalers and acid reflux meds, but it didn't really help. I can't even exercise anymore, and I used to be very active before this. Are you under a lot of stress? What have you tried so far?

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