Anxiety to agoraphobia

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I am just wanting to reach out for any advice from anyone who has experienced the same thing or something similar. Thank you in advance for any replies.

I have suffered from anxiety since I was a small child. So this doesn't drag on I wont go into much detail but I went through quite a lot as a kid and I know that's where my anxiety and fear comes from. But I'm now 28, living with my sister, jobless and too scared to leave the house unless someone is with me.

I am desperately unhappy and no matter what I do, nothing ever gets better. Things have just gotten worse. I feel like everyday since I was a teenager has been a fight and it exhausts me. To the point I can sleep all day and night. I thought it was my job but now i'm not working I know it's just me. I cant leave the house. I'm too scared. So getting a new job is out of the question in my head. But I know if things carry on this way I am going to drag my whole family down with me. My sister has 6 kids and even though I am basically a live in housekeeper and babysitter for her, I know she doesn't want it anymore, and who could blame her. She doesn't understand anxiety or any mental health issues, she's very tough and I am basically another kid for her.

I have been to the doctors a thousand times over the years, I've been on anti depressants, I'm on propranalol and I am on the waiting list for counselling. Havent heard back for counselling for over a year, but because of covid it will probably be another year cause its a 9 month waiting list.

Basically, I know nobody can help me but I just want to know if anybody has ever gotten over Agoraphobia? Or anything that has helped? And I mean Agoraphobia to point where you cant even go to a shop, or even get too scared to answer the door even though you know its just the postman with your parcel.

Thank you

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9 Replies

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    is there anyway you can try a different counselor? You really need weekly support right now because this is way too hard to do alone. Is the wait for counseling for in person or is it a virtual appointment? either way it doesn’t matter it’s just maybe you could find somebody else that would be a quicker appointment.another year is way too long to wait. most people with agoraphobia need to have regular counseling appointments to learn how to manage it. The counselor would have a specific plan for you.

    if you leave your sisters house, do you have a plan as to where you would go?

    for now, try to relax your mind as best as you can every day and several times a day. Agoraphobia is basically the fear of fear and it is closely associated with anxiety and panic disorder. You can go on YouTube and find many talks and agoraphobia and also some meditations for that. but that’s not a cure or proper therapy. it’s just something to relax your mind in the moment. I do hope you’re able to find some support as soon as possible so you can start to feel better. Take care

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    Hi, I had agoraphobia when I was 19 I literally couldn't leave my bedroom. It started off with anxiety and panic attacks and progressed.

    It took me finding an antidepressant that worked for me to get better, I had to try a few first and find the right dosage too.

    I couldn't go out and if I went in my mum's car I had to sit in the back seat. I honestly couldn't look anyone in the eye. you need to get on some medication give it time to build up in your system and once you are feeling calmer it will be small steps to you doing normal things.

    I'm now 33 with 2 children a job and car. I still have some anxiety but not to that extreme. good luck

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      Hi thank you for your reply. I have been to the doctors countless times since i was a young teenager but this time they have put me on Setraline. I'm hoping they work but i'm always sceptical with medication because I cant understand how a tablet can change the thoughts in your head?

      But maybe I havent given any medication enough time for them to work. I get scared the side affects will make me worse.

      Also it never even crossed my mind that medication can be altered if its not right. I just thought the different medication I had been given over the years didnt work because I am too far gone for help.

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      I replied before I had finished, I was going to say well done to you for what you got through and to use that to help people like me. Thank you. X

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      you are not too far gone for help. The thing with medication is you have to give it time to work, I suffered really bad with side effects I wont lie but just ride it out. They won't change the thoughts in your head but they will make you be able to rationalise them.

      If you continue with the medication you can feel totally different in 3 months. let me know how you get on x

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    Do you live in the UK? I'm on the NHS waiting list for counselling/cbt, it will be online/phone, but waiting list, I was told, should only be a few months 🤔 I was really frightened and desperate for help, I paid for a private counsellor, I've had 2 sessions. Just talking it over and knowing someone was there helped, I'm not 100% but enough at the moment to wait for further help on the NHS. If I was you, keep pushing for help, it may help if you got your sister to tell them how desperate you are for help. Take care 💞

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      Thank you for your reply, yeah i'm in the UK, I rang the doctors for help on Friday they have put me on Setraline and they asked if i wanted talking therapy. I told them the situation and said yes it probably will be a long waiting list, pretty pointless suggestion but I understand the circumstances at the moment. I did have an initial appointment to get me registered a long time ago, well before covid, haven't heard anything. I didnt even know they did online sessions on the NHS.

      Again, thank you for your message x

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      how you doing on the sertraline? I started on 50mg, at 6 weeks still feelings of anxiety, have been on 100mg for the last 2 weeks.

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    I currently suffer from agoraphobia myself and have recently started seeing a new therapist. Mine started last year and I could barely leave the house or get out of bed some days. I would get really dizzy and have horrible head pressure, felt nauseous. Sertraline helped a lot with the physical symptoms. Also, exposure therapy. I would start small, just sitting outside. Then try taking a short walk, listen to music or a calming meditation while you walk. Gradually go further, then try venturing further to a small store or something like that. I still have a ways to go but mine has gotten better than it was. It'll be uncomfortable at first but you just have to tell yourself it's just thoughts and symptoms and the anxiety can't hurt you. The longer you stay in, the worse the symptoms will get so even though it's uncomfortable at first, it'll gradually get easier. Some days are harder than others for me but just have to keep trying. Also, is there a virtual therapist in your area? That's what I'm doing, video chatting for now. A lot of people don't understand what it's like living with severe anxiety and agoraphobia but just know you're not alone! I hope things thing

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