Anxious before a hot sweat.

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hi ladies

Does anyone else get a feeling of anxiety , panicky before a flush? It's almost like I can predict a flush , sometimes I just flush other times get anxious etc , they are getter less severe but I wish they would stop !! 

Or the anxiety stop ... I can cope with the dripping sweat !! 

Mine all started Nov 2011 , I am on propanalol  ans setraline and have been since around December 2011 .

Be good to hear others experiences ,


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    yes always get butterflies in tummy like nervous/anxiety type feelings then a flush...horrid !!!!
    • Posted

      Thanks for reply ... Yes awful , 

      ready for it all to stop x 

  • Posted

    Unfortunately I vomit most times I flush it's really horrid and feel dreadful for a minute or so and I am 3 years post sad
  • Posted

    Yes i have suffered from anxieties myself. I take anxiety medication for my anxieties. 

    Yes i do wish these symptoms will go away myself. Right now I am suffering with a bad cold don't know where i got it from but i do feel weak and not myself at all today had a nose bleed last night. I do use a c-pap machine it could have been the nasal mask that made my nose so stuffed up. 


  • Posted

    yes, i do, but mostly the panic follows the flush.  i do know one thing for sure:  you MUST get the anxiety under control fast.  i have been waking up with this feeling of dread and butterflies in my stomach between 3 -5am a few times this week.  it scares me for a moment and then i do deep breathing and usually don't end up with panic and can get right back to bed.  if i get into the panic because i convince myself there's something wrong all i can do is ride it out.  i HATE feeling like that, so i try to head it off quickly.  easier said than done??  of course!  it takes practice and heavy duty positive self-talk.  i'm not going to let this beat me.  
  • Posted

    Hi zoomie, Yes it is almost as if anxiety comes with the signs of an imminent hot flush. The pre-warning pulsating wave as veins widen indicating yet another surge of blood rising with that awful al consuming heat spreading upwards is enough to cause anxiety in anyone, as the instant reaction is oh no here we go again. I suffered with that for what seemed like an eternity.I still get them at 71 but not often and much less severity.  

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