anxious peri/menopausal with rib, armpit and breast pains, fed up!
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Hi all.
I'm 49, been on depo provera contraceptive injection until recently and now on a mini pill. I haven't had a period in years due to the depo, but had some spotting last week. So no idea if the menopause has kicked in yet. I get some hot flushes and am irritable as hell!
In the last few weeks i have had a lot of aching around my ribs, just where my bra sits on the left, round into my back too. I have also had pain in my left shoulder blade and armpit. A few days ago i suddenly got a trapped nerve pain in my right shoulder blade. I've read a lot of similar age women are getting this too. My boobs seem to take it in turns to hurt too.
I'm having trouble laying on my left side to sleep, very uncomfortable, the right side is a little better. However I lie my boobs feel uncomfortable ( they are big 38F) and feel extra heavy lately.
Yesterday I came down with a cold and feel even more achy, muscles in back and neck, sore throat, throat glands, headache. My armpits are both now feeling quite puffy, probably due to the cold.
I recently had bloods done after a few very bad panic attacks and was all clear, also had ECG.
Anyone else feel the same?
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christina81747 amandajc1969
im 49 and my symptoms are off and on like right now im in day 4 of period and i felt fine except last two days im so irritable anxious want to burst crying little things maje me feel like inwill lose it my bidy hurts breasts swollen stomach bloated headache for two days not hingry but not sick to stimach sneezing headache dizzy somewhat yesterday even knees hurt ughhh i think in dying then my anxiety kicks in and think im crazy and lising my mind and want to cry but hold it in and then i feel like i will burst!!
amandajc1969 christina81747
I've completely lost my appetite too, which is rare for me. I think the anxiety makes everything 100 times worse. Hope you feel better soon
sharon03238 amandajc1969
Have you got acid reflux? x
amandajc1969 sharon03238
no I haven't x
I'm thinking i have costrochondritis. Been reading lots about it, and seems to make sense as most of pain i am getting started after a pain in ribs.
jo67532 amandajc1969
Wow! I am 49 as well and I am having nearly all the same symptoms! I even just got over a cold that ended up giving me a sinus infection. Most of my aches and pains are on my left side. I too had 2 panic attacks last year at the onset of all this perimenopause stuff! I had blood drawn and even had a colonoscopy(as I was certain I had something wrong there), I had a breast exam done and everything comes back clear. I have that rib pain right under my left breast and it seems to be more noticeable if I take a deep breath in. It's like there is a tight band around my rib cage. I have left shoulder pain that sometimes radiates up my neck, It hasnt been bad lately (knock on wood). My anxiety is through the roof on many days. I have tried to track my good days and bad days on a calendar. I'm definitely noticing a pattern. I feel fine about 1 week a month. This really sucks, but I'm glad I'm not alone. This forum has really helped me to push through some of those bad days.
amandajc1969 jo67532
Have you had the rib pain diagnosed? I am trying to get a dr's appointment to see about mine. I haven't had much pain from it today but have quite a few sore spots on my ribcage
jo67532 amandajc1969
Yes, I've had it looked at it twice and both times was told it was indegestion. I try to tell myself it's only gas, but I still get anxious about it.
sharon03238 jo67532
Ive also had the rib pain i had a scan last year and alk clear, i suffer from acid reflux and i think j its from that, i also get bloated, back and shoulder pain, i have anxiety and my doctor has said the anxiety makes the reflux worse x
amandajc1969 sharon03238
I have heard that acid reflux and costochondritis often go hand in hand. I dont really get acid reflux. I have been using ice packs a lot in this heat around my ribcage and the pain has reduced a lot, must have reduced the inflamation, and it cooled me down a bit too !!
charcey97 amandajc1969
Glad to see all of these comments. Been having a lot of these symptoms mentioned and have been trying to keep myself calm. Especially, since I had a recent thoracic xray for a chiropractic visit and the radiologist who read the films (not the chiropractor) told me my spleen was enlarged. My internal medicine doc looked at the films and said it wasn't. Geez! Anxiety is a "B". These symptoms have been going on for the last month and to top it off, I think it caused an IBS flare up, which is all the more helpful and adding pain. Going for an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow to double check everything. Doc is pretty confident it's fine because I had one 2 months ago that was normal and they, also, didn't feel anything on physical examination. Plus, my labs are normal.