Anxitey and bed
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HI I suffer from menopause, anxiety, depression, internal treamers from it, now on Citalopram
Feel safe and away from the world in bed, or on sofa with curtains shut, background noise on TV,
Walking up in the night , with rapid heart beats , anyone else feel bed is where should be till they get better,
It,s hard as I have dogs that need to go out ,plus grandchildren,
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karen96096 mrs_susan74280
hi susan yes im the same. my dr said my bed is what you call my safe place. im only relaxed in there. tjis menapause is a nightmare xx
Gypsy014 mrs_susan74280
Yes going to need a new bed when all is said and done, so the saying goes....I'm wearing my bed out ... But all kidding aside, I'm with you, I have dogs and grandchildren also, that need me.. And you know when this all first started, I would say I can't do this , I can't help I'm sorry I'm just too sick and feel awful with all my symptoms, and my grown kids would say ugg we need you mom snap out of this, ( so much easier said than done) and their kids (my grandkids) need me, for a while they struggled and pushed on without me taking them to school picking them up, and watching them all while they work.. And after I started to feel like I wasn't dying anymore I slowly started doing my grandmother (nana ) duties again, there are still days where I say need some help here, but it has gotten much better after I'd say about 2 years of straight Hell, I still stay close to home, venture out to get kids from school, stores and local areas to do shopping and ECT... And when I'm down for the day I don't do anything I stay home, in yes the safe zone! I try not to let this consume me! As it did for 2 years... I'm slowly lifting my rock off of me, so hang on it does get easier.
Guest mrs_susan74280
Hi susan, My bedroom is my sanctuary these days. I have a small tv, my books and my 2 kitties by my side. I have dogs and some barn critters too. I opt for my bedroom vs the couch because my husband has this monstrous tv and it makes me nauseas watching it. I have 2 school aged kids too, 1 is self sufficient, but my other has special needs along with behavior issues and I have to do everything for him. I do the best I can, cleaning, etc. But, if I need to plop for a few minutes OR hours...I will! Never me it is no different than sitting on the couch. I have also assigned most of the cooking to my husband. I used to work from home, but, between the exhaustion, migraines and vertigo...I stopped. After a year, the fatigue is getting better. Migraines somewhat under control with med...just cannot shake the unbalanced feeling!
Try to get outside if you can though! Even if your just sitting reading a magazine. I got caught up in a funk where I barely left my bed. Better now though. Go easy yourself and Take good care!
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou, I also have the husband with the big monstrous tv in the family room, and it makes me nauseated and dizzy too, watching it, lol... It must come from the MAV.. not fun, I think we touched on this before, so sorry for the repeat if it is, just thought I'd throw that in there, that I retreat to my bedroom with my older smaller tv, no worries there 😃