Any advice
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Im 46 one ovary early meno. I went on bio hrt patch 1.5 years ago. When I started on patch my estrogen level was 18. I felt amazing in less than 24 hours after applying .50 patch. Flashes stopped had energy and depression lifted. I started to really go down hill about 6 months ago. Flashes back, deep depression, no energy or interest in much, etc. changed patch to .75 for 6 weeks with no change in symptoms. Changed patch again to 1.00 for the lad4 weeks. Flashes have improved 60% but still depressed tired wake up at 4:30 am 😳 And have to get up cant sleep.
The highest my estrogen ever has been on patch was 42. I recently had it checked again and its currently 24. Myrogesterone is currently 1.5. When the flashes returned 6 months ago i upped prog thinking it would help flashes. got it up to 16.5. Backed off it and now its 1.5. I feel terrible and have gained 30 lbs i 1.5 years. Im at a loss. My estrogen level was at 18 before hrt. With no weight gain. Im trying to protect my heart and bones with hrt buy have not achieved a high enough level on hrt to protect me. I wonder if i achieved 42 estrogen level because I still was producing some estrogen myself along with patch until 6 months ago maybe ovary gave out and dropped mr back to 20 level.
one more key information. I was smoking heavily and wonder if that had anything to do with absorbtion of patch. I have been non smoking now for 5 weeks. And will never smoke again. Anyways, can you share your thoughts with me on my levels absorbtion and weightgain? Im struggling pretty bad mentally. My memory is shot and i cant concentrate for a whole minute. Thank you for your input and help 🙃
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tina00239 cherie9742
Hi honey, you really are down arent you. Instead of trying to work out normal hormone levels for yourself, take the stress out of it. Ask your dr to send you to an endocrine specialist. Let them do full bloods and work out correctly exactly which hormones are out of balance or gone and what type/dose of hrt you need to get your hormone levels back into the normal range. Also organise a good meno vitamin supplement to work with your hrt to help the hormones balance more. That is what my dr has told me to do and he is my friend aswell as my dr. He also gives me diazepam for anxiety issues. High strength evening primrose oil is good for breast pains. Hope I've been of some help to you at this horrid time. Remember you are not alone and caring and sharing on here really helps too! XXX
karen71465 cherie9742
Hi cherie first of all well done for giving up smoking that's hard in itself i was so anxious I drove myself mad looking for an answer I then decided to try and help myself first I cut out all sweet stuff and cafine then I joined slumming world to concentrate on something and I'm glad I did I have lost 8 lb in 6 weeks and everything seems to have calmed down a lot also I take evening primrose and magnesium in the evening and camomile tea when I'm feeling edgeyou like the other lady said a good multi vitamin and be kind to yourself you deserve it we all do good luck hope this helps oh and when you go to bed try to block out the crazy fast thinking just think of a beach you would like to be on . I take a kalm as I get into bed I sleep much better x
Thanks so much for responding. It's nice to know that someone is out there for me. I relapsed smoking after 13 years quit which I attribute to a coping skill of Meno/ hormone imbalance. It 6 weeks now and I pray I can learn other healthy ways to cope.
I will be seeing an endocrinogist in a couple weeks for unrelated issue but I will take the advice given here to consult with him on my levels.
I also have found another homeopathic doctor that I will see I a couple weeks and consult with her on a plan.
I recently found out that I am B12 deficient and that has intensified my memo symptoms. My vitamin D is also low. I've received 1 B12 shot so far and the shortness of breath and racing heart is pretty much gone. Crazy how debilitating a vitamin deficientcy is.
I've been extremely depressed and very moody and miserable. As you read in my post I'm just frustrated with hrt. I'd like to try femring to see if I can achieve decent estrogen level. If that doesn't work I'm about willing to try premarin 🤤 . Im focused on my quality of life at this point. Thank you for listening and helping me with complex black hole I fell in.
karen71465 cherie9742
Cherie it's so hard going through this I have suffered and gone the natural route since I was 39 I'm now 54 I got the echo dot and started the meditation for stress for 10 mins a day anytime in the day I just sit and listen it's very good glad I found it helps I'm also waiting to have half my thyroid out I'm worried about that but it is going to be sorted at some point let me know how you get on at the doctors if he huharst u and doesn't listen get a different one I find the new young docs are better they are more up to date if you find a good one stick with them saves keep explaining yourself each time good luck sweetie x
tina00239 cherie9742
I hope that what I said to you has helped in some way as you sound so down rather like I am on alot of days. HRT can take a while to settle properly and give you the full beneficial effect. Also try an e-cig instead of smoking. Its still not good for you but if you need that crutch to lean on vaping is better than smoking. I vape and I use oils that are nicotine free and if you look at e-cig sites on'line you will find vaping liquids that calm you, help you to sleep - allsorts. I suffer with chronic pain so I have cbd oil in my e-cig which has pain relief properties. I hope you find something that helps you soon hun. XXX
Thank you Karen. I have the echo for too but didn't know about the meditation. I will definitely look into it. I know that the next did I see that Cant raise my estrogen level high enough for bone and heart protection will be fired. In the end I may go natural with the help of antidepressants. I will try a different doc before I give up. It would seem that an integrative doc wouldn't want to balance a patient for job security purposes. I may be cynical but that's my mind set right now.
karen71465 cherie9742
Hi Tina, I am 6 weeks smoke free and have made it over the hump. Smoking is my kryptonite. I'm going to keep striving for balance with hrt. Level 24 estrogen is debilitating. I've been this level most for 1.5 years. I do have options as far as pills, gels,etc. I'm curre toy on Vivelle dot 1 mg.
tina00239 cherie9742
Hey Cherie, I dont know the hrt you are on I imagine you are not in UK as I am. If you do need to smoke try vaping on an e'cig instead its the lesser of 2 evils! XXX