Any advise for recovery after double Achilles rupture?
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Hi there,
I’m looking for some advice from anyone who has had a double rupture and whether I’m likely to recover sufficiently to get back to normal?
I’m 32 years old, previously fairly active. I completely ruptured my Achilles Tendon in September 18 and placed into boot (non-surgical route) and during rehab process I removed a step out from my boot and during this felt my Achilles re-rupture. In December 18 I had an ultrasound to assess and my Achilles had 10-20% intact (not sure the technical word). Surgeon advised in January 19 for me to proceed with rehab and get out boot which I eventually did in February.
Rehab is very tough and really struggling with my Achilles strengthening works and getting a lot of throbbing in the affected area and still not walking fluidly 6 weeks since coming out boot.
My surgeon has advised he will only operate once it ruptures again. Just wondering if anyone had any similar experience? Am I likely to recover naturally? Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated.
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Kevious craig45351
hi, i ruptured mine in nov '16, reruptured 5 months later (couldnt shake off a limp) 2nd time round every stage felt better than the first. things i did different were eat more protein, keep my foot elevated for longer and early weight bearing (using boot!!). recommend for weight bearing you tread on weighing scales to check you are putting enough pressure down. present day... i get aching and i'm weaker in that leg but thats my fault for not doing all the exercises, but my life is normal. i can climb ladders, jog, kick a ball about with my young boys (and carry my 6yr old on my shoulders).
good luck with your recovery, both my treatments were non-surgery too.
craig45351 Kevious
Thanks Kev, thats good that your back doing normal things it gives me hope
i could do the same, ill try focus on all exercises abit more and hopefully be a bit more mobile soon.
amy1057 craig45351
Hello Craig,
My case is similar to yours. I am a 61 yrs old female. Unlike you I had surgery both times. The first was 2/18 for moderate rupture (not complete) of the Achilles and bone spur removal. Recovery was fairly quick. Then 7/18, while walking in my yard stepped in a hole and completely ruptured the same tendon and had a calcaneous aversion ( heel bone broke off when tendon ruptured). 2nd time was much worse than the first as tendon and heel had to be fixed as well as my tendon lengthened. But is getting better and stronger everyday. Because of my heel being involved (now have a plate and screws holding my heel and achilles together at the point they meet), I have alot of stiffness. I was in a cast for almost 4 months then walking boot at which time physical therapy was started. At 6 months post-op, I was finally allowed to weight bear and could begin wearing a good pair of supportive shoes. I have 1 more month of PT to go and I do my exercises at home, as well. I do have to pace myself. If I overdo I know it as my foot and leg swell and I have a significant amount of pain. But resting it, elevating it and ice packs usually take care of it.
It is a very slow process as far as healing goes. In my case, I have to be very careful now that I am walking unaided. I was told if it happens a 3rd time, he is not sure he will be able to fix it.
I do have a limp at times especially when I am tired but otherwise I walk normally.
Just be patient and do exactly what your Doctor tells u to do. Most importantly, don't push yourself. You will end up doing more harm than good and it will make the healing process slower.
I can't say that u will be perfectly normal once it heals because everyone heals differently.
My advise:
do what your doctor tells you to do and do your physical therapy. Therapy has helped me tremendously.
Good luck.